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Extends the zone type with additional information about the current zone.


This type inherits members from zone.

  zone <|-- currentzone
  direction RL
  class zone {
  link zone "../datatype-zone/"
  class currentzone {


This type inherits members from zone.

bool Dungeon

Same as Indoor.

int ID

the ID of the zone.

bool Indoor

True if this is an Indoor zone.

float MaxClip

Maximum clip plane allowed in zone.

float MinClip

Minimum clip plane allowed in zone.

string Name

Full zone name.

bool NoBind

True if binding isn't allowed in this zone outside specified bindable areas.

bool Outdoor

True if this is an outdoor zone.

string ShortName

Short zone name

int Type

Zone type

Value Meaning
0 Indoor Dungeon
1 Outdoor
2 Outdoor City
3 Dungeon City
4 Indoor City
5 Outdoor Dungeon

int ZoneType

Same as Type

string To String

Same as Name



| echo if the current zone is indoors:
/echo ${Zone.Indoor}
-- echo if the current zone is indoors: