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Cached Buffs

Cached Buffs

-Previously Added: .CachedBuffCount to the spawn tlo. it returns -1 if no buffs are cached for the spawn or number of buffs cached.

-Previously Added: .CachedBuff[x] to the spawn tlo where x is a spellid if its a number and a spell name if not. It returns a MQ2CachedBuffType.

-Previously Added: .CachedBuff[#x] to the spawn tlo where #x is a buffslot between 1-97. It returns a MQ2CachedBuffType.

-Previously Added: .CachedBuff[*x] to the spawn tlo where *x is a index (buffslots are not sorted). It returns a MQ2CachedBuffType.

-Previously Added: .CachedBuff[^x] to the spawn tlo where ^x is a keyword. It returns a MQ2CachedBuffType.

^x keywords: Slowed Rooted Mezzed Crippled Maloed Tashed Snared and Beneficial

-Using CachedBuff to get buff info on targets, group members etc, only requires you to target the entity once. after thats done, buffs are cached. -The upside is obviously that we don't have to target back and forth constantly.