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Clockwork Grease Maker

This is a macro to make jars of clockwork grease, a very tedious combine. It does not deal well with subcombine failures yet, but is otherwise completely functional.

Paste this code into a file called grease.mac in your \macros directory, usually found under your release directory unless you have changed something:

| Grease.mac by dedpoet
| Attempts to make a Jar of Clockwork Grease until out of components.
| You will need the following items in your inventory: Water Flask, Block of
| Clay, Small Jar Sketch, Quality Firing Sheet, Clockwork Grease. You will
| need your last inventory slot open.
| Stand between the pottery wheel and the kiln and run grease.mac.
| This macro uses the pack subs written by Override and quite a bit of his
| code. Also thanks to JJ for the shoves in the right direction with the
| window stuff


#event CombineError "#*#There was no place to put that#*#"
#event CombineError "#*#You cannot combine these items in this container type!#*#"
#event CombineError "#*#did not accept these items#*#"

Sub Main

| Let's make an Unfired Small Container
/call OpenPacks
/delay 2s


/itemtarget Pottery Wheel
/face item
/nomodkey /click left item
/delay 1s
/nomodkey /notify TradeSkillWnd COMBW_ExperimentButton leftmouseup
/delay 1s
`/if (!${FindItem[=Water Flask].InvSlot}) /goto :Done /nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Water Flask].InvSlot} leftmouseup`/nomodkey /itemnotify enviro1 leftmouseup````` /if (!${FindItem[=Block of Clay].InvSlot}) /goto :Done``` /nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Block of Clay].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/nomodkey /itemnotify enviro2 leftmouseup

/if (!${FindItem[=Small Jar Sketch].InvSlot}) /goto :Done
/nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Small Jar Sketch].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/nomodkey /itemnotify enviro3 leftmouseup

/combine enviro
/delay 15
/call ClearCursor
/delay 5
/nomodkey /keypress esc
/delay 1s

| Let's make it into a Small Clay Jar

/itemtarget Kiln
/nomodkey /click left item
/delay 1s
/nomodkey /notify TradeSkillWnd COMBW_ExperimentButton leftmouseup
/delay 1s

/if (!${FindItem[=Unfired Small Container].InvSlot}) /goto :Done
/nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Unfired Small Container].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/nomodkey /itemnotify enviro1 leftmouseup
/if (!${FindItem[=Quality Firing Sheet\].InvSlot}) /goto :Done``` /nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem\[=Quality Firing Sheet].InvSlot} leftmouseup /nomodkey /itemnotify enviro2 leftmouseup`

/combine enviro
/delay 15
/call ClearCursor
/nomodkey /keypress esc
/delay 1s

| Open our new jar and put 2 greases in it
`/itemnotify pack8 rightmouseup /delay 1s``` /if (!${FindItem[=Clockwork Grease].InvSlot}) /goto :Done /nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Clockwork Grease].InvSlot} leftmouseup`/nomodkey /itemnotify in pack8 1 leftmouseup/delay 5`

/if (!${FindItem[=Clockwork Grease].InvSlot}) /goto :Done
/nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Clockwork Grease].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/nomodkey /itemnotify in pack8 2 leftmouseup
/combine pack8``` /delay 15 /doevents`/call ClearCursor
/delay 20

| We should have a grease. Let's start over.
/goto :GreaseLoop

| When we run out of components.
/echo We're out of components. Ending macro.

sub ClearCursor
/if (!${Cursor.ID}) /return
/delay 5
/goto :Loop

Sub OpenPacks
/declare bag int local 0

/newif (!${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /keypress inventory
/delay 1
/for bag 1 to 8 step 1
/newif (!${Window[pack${bag}].Open}) /itemnotify pack${bag} rightmouseup
/next bag
/delay 1

Sub Event_CombineError
/echo Combine error encountered. Ending macro.