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MQ2Data was designed so that accessing information could be done utilizing a uniform system. User variables are treated as MQ2Data Top-Level Objects.

Variable Basics

  1. Default scope is local
  2. Default type is string
  3. Default value is nothing (empty string or 0)


  • global

Variables of global scope ALWAYS exist until they are deleted or MacroQuest ends

  • outer

Variables of outer scope exist while a macro is running

  • local (default)

Variables of local scope only exist while within a macro function or "Sub"


Variables can be declared as any of the types in Data Types. The default type is string.


Only the following characters are allowed in the name of a variable: [a-z][0-9]_

Name lookup is case insensitive.

Manipulating Variables


Variables are declared (initially defined) in the following format:

/declare varname|varname[array extents] [type] [local|global|outer] [defaultvalue]

The parameters must be given in order, but any after varname may be skipped to use the default.

Some Examples

  1. This creates an int variable named MyVar that exists while the macro is running:
/declare MyVar int outer

This creates a string variable named MyVar that exists within the Sub it was created in:

/declare MyVar local

This creates a timer named MyTime that is set to 3000 at creation and exists while the macro is running:

/declare MyTimer timer outer 3000


To create an array, attach square brackets to the end of the variable name and place in it the number of elements per dimension.

Array Examples

  1. This creates a single-dimension local array of int with 10 elements (1-10) all 0:
/declare MyArray[10] int

This creates a 2-dimensional 10x10 elements(1-10,1-10) int array of scope outer with all values of 5:

/declare MyArray[10,10] int outer 5

This creates a 3-dimensional array with 4x5x6 elements (1-4,1-5, 1-6) with UNDEFINED-ARRAY-ELEMENT in each location:

/declare MyArray[4,5,6] string outer UNDEFINED-ARRAY-ELEMENT

There is no limit to the number of dimensions or the number of elements in each dimension but use your own good judgment.

Note: You cannot make an array of timers.

Deleting Variables

/deletevar is used to delete variables. Examples:

  1. Deletes the variable varname. Using * global will delete all global variables:
/deletevar varname [* global]

Sets a variable directly to a new value. Keep in mind that the type itself may reject this value depending on what you give it.

/varset varname [newvalue]

To clear the value of the variable, you may omit the new value.

Setting/Changing Variables

/varset is used to set or change a variable. Examples:

  1. This concatenates (joins one to the other) "stuff" to the end a string variable:
/varset MyString ${MyString}stuff

This inserts stuff at the front of ${MyString}:

/varset MyString stuff${MyString}

This sets MyInt to 123:

/varset MyInt 123

This sets MyTimer to 123 seconds:

/varset MyTimer 123s

This sets MyFloat to 1.23:

/varset MyFloat 1.23

This sets array element n to 123:

/varset MyIntArray[n] 123

Setting Variables to Results of Calculations

You can use /varcalc to set a variable directly to the numeric result of a calculation. Keep in mind that the type itself may reject this value depending on what you give it. This will NOT work on strings!


 /varcalc MyInt 1+2*2+1 
 /varcalc MyInt 1+(2*2)+1 
 /varcalc NumBuffSlots ${Me.FreeBuffSlots}+${Me.CountBuffs}

Setting Variables to the Result of MQ2Data Strings

/vardata varname newMQ2Datavalue

Sets a variable directly to the end result of a MQ2Data string. To use this, do NOT put ${} around the outer data to parse.

This is most useful for when you want to keep the result of something instead of trying to make the variable accept a string with /varset.

For Example:

/vardata MyFloat Math.Calc[${Me.X}+${Me.Y}]


It is important to note that parsing of variables is performed from the inside to the outside, so any ${} inside your MQ2Data statement gets evaluated before continuing.



The parser first evaluates ${MyVar}. If MyVar's value is 1, this gives us ${MyString1}. ${MyString1} is then evaluated, giving the value of whatever MyString1 is. \({\). There is no limit to this recursion.}} will get the value of a MQ2Data query stored in MyString. This could be Me.Buff[1], or a variable name, or anything that is valid inside ${

\({\){\({\){\({\){\({\){\({\) will evaluate inside to outside until there is nothing left to evaluate.}}}}}}}}}

This is also true for arrays: \({MyArray[\) has no problems.}]