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MQ2Cursor by s0rCieR is a plugin that tries to keep your cursor free of items. It was inspired by the plugins MQ2FeedMe and MQ2AutoDestroy.

  • It also tries to keep you above a certain hunger/thirst level \(so that you don't eat your stat food\).
  • Additionally, it can be used to loot your own corpse.

MQ2Cursor can be found here, in the VIP forums.


  • Auto Keep item from list up to a certain quantity.
  • Consume, Drop, or Destroy when quantity is reached.
  • Auto Sleep with certain windows are open (Spellbook, Casting, Bank, Give, Merchant, Trade, GuildTributemaster,

TributeMaster, GuildBank, Inventory but not Loot window, Loot window but not Inventory).

  • Quiet/Silent Operating Mode and Global On/Off flags.
  • Autoloot your corpse when loot Window Up.

All settings are saved to the INI file _.ini.


/cursor on|off|auto

Turn plugin On/Off or Toggle

/cursor silent on|off|auto

Turn Quiet Mode On/Off or Toggle

/cursor feeding

Turn Feeding Mode On/Off or Toggle

/cursor dropping

Turn Dropping Mode On/Off or Toggle

/cursor load|save

Save/Load information from the INI file.

/cursor rem\(ove\)|del\(ete\) id

Remove ID or \(Item on Cursor\).

/cursor list

List items in the cursor list along with their status \(drop, protected, etc\). A partial name can be supplied to further narrow down the list, but please remember that the partial name is case sensitive.

/cursor al\(l\(ways\)

Always keep those \(Item On Cursor\).

/cursor #

Keep quantity # \(Item On Cursor\).

/cursor random #

Random humanish delay in ms 0=off.


Keep Item on Cursor \(and don't add it to the list\).

/lootme on|off|auto

Turn Plugin On/Off or Toggle.

/lootme silent on|off|auto

Turn Quiet Mode On/Off or Toggle.


/cursor 2 st
/cursor rem 1685
/cursor silent on
/cursor list Water