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item Type

Contains the properties that describe an item.


int AC

AC value on item

int Accuracy


int AGI

AGI value on item

int Attack

Attack value on item

bool Attunable


int AugRestrictions

Augment Restrictions

int Augs

Number of augs on this item

augtype AugSlot

Retrieve the augment in the specified slot number.

int AugSlot1

Returns the type of agument in slot 1

int AugSlot2

Returns the type of agument in slot 2

int AugSlot3

Returns the type of agument in slot 3

int AugSlot4

Returns the type of agument in slot 4

int AugSlot5

Returns the type of agument in slot 5

int AugSlot6

Returns the type of agument in slot 6

int AugType

Augmentation slot type mask.

int Avoidance






int64 BuyPrice

The cost to buy this item from active merchant

bool CanUse

TRUE if you can use the item, otherwise FALSE

float CastTime

Spell effect's cast time (in seconds)

int CHA

CHA value on item

int Charges


int Clairvoyance


string Class[N]

Returns the Nth long class name of the listed classes on an item. Items suitable for ALL classes will effectively have all 17 classes listed.

int Classes

The number of classes that can use the item. Items suitable for ALL classes will return 16.

itemspell Clicky

Activatable spell effect, if any.

bool Collectible

TRUE if the item is a collectible, otherwise FALSE



int CombatEffects


int Container

Number of slots, if this is a container

int ContentSize


int Damage

Base Damage of the item

int DamageShieldMitigation

Damage Shield Mitigation

int DamShield

Damage Shield value on item

int Deities

The number of deities that can use the item. Items with no deity restrictions will return 0.

string Deity[N]

Returns the Nth deity of the listed deities on an item. Items with no deity restrictions will return NULL for all values of N.



int DEX

DEX value on item



string DMGBonusType

"None", "Magic", "Fire", "Cold", "Poison", "Disease"

int DoTShielding

DoT Shielding

string EffectType

Spell effect type (see below for spell effect types)

int Endurance


int EnduranceRegen

Endurance regen

evolving Evolving

Does this item have Evolving experience on?

bool Expendable


itemspell Familiar

Familiar spell effect, if any.

int FirstFreeSlot


itemspell Focus

First focus effect, if any.

itemspell Focus2

Second focus effect, if any.



int FreeStack

The number of items needed to fill all the stacks of the item you have (with a stacksize of 20).

If you have 3 stacks (1, 10, 20 in those stacks), you have room for 60 total and you have 31 on you, so FreeStack would return 29.

int Haste

Haste value on item

int HealAmount

HealAmount (regen?)

bool Heirloom

:: ???

int HeroicAGI

Heroic AGI value on item

int HeroicCHA

Heroic CHA value on item

int HeroicDEX

Heroic DEX value on item

int HeroicINT

Heroic INT value on item

int HeroicSTA

Heroic STA value on item

int HeroicSTR

Heroic STR value on item

int HeroicSvCold

Heroic SvCold value on item

int HeroicSvCorruption

Heroic SvCorruption value on item

int HeroicSvDisease

Heroic SvDisease value on item

int HeroicSvFire

Heroic SvFire value on item

int HeroicSvMagic

Heroic SvMagic value on item

int HeroicSvPoison

Heroic SvPoison value on item

int HeroicWIS

Heroic WIS value on item

int HP

HP value on item

int HPRegen

HPRegen value on item

int Icon

Item Icon

int ID

Item ID





itemspell Illusion

Illusion spell effect, if any.

float InstrumentMod

Instrument Modifier Value



int INT

INT value on item

int InvSlot

Inventory Slot Number (Historic and now deprecated, use ItemSlot and ItemSlot2)

item Item[N]

Item in Nth slot, if this is a container or has augs

float ItemDelay

Returns the delay of the weapon

string ItemLink[CLICKABLE]

just prints the actual hexlink for an item (not clickable) unless [CLICKABLE] is included

int Items

Number of items, if this is a container.

int ItemSlot

Item Slot number see Slot Names

int ItemSlot2

Item Slot subnumber see Slot Names



string LDoNTheme

"All", "Deepest Guk", "Miragul's", "Mistmoore", "Rujarkian", "Takish", "Unknown"





bool Lore


bool LoreEquipped

Lore Equipped?



int Luck


bool Magic


int Mana

Mana value on item

int ManaRegen

ManaRegen value on item

int MaxLuck


int MaxPower

Max power on an power source

int MerchQuantity

Quantity of item active merchant has

int MinLuck


itemspell Mount

Mount spell effect, if any.

string Name


bool NoDestroy


bool NoDrop

No Trade?

bool NoRent


bool NoTrade

Synonym for NoDrop

int Open


int OrnamentationIcon


float PctPower




int Power

Power left on power source

bool Prestige

Prestige item?

itemspell Proc

Combat proc effect.



int Purity

Purity of item



bool Quest

Quest item?

string Race[N]

Returns the Nth long race name of the listed races on an item. Items suitable for all races will effectively have all 15 races listed.

int Races

The number of races that can use the item. Items suitable for ALL races will return 15.

int Range


int RecommendedLevel

Returns the Recommended Level of an item. Items with no recommended level will return 0.

int RefCount


int RequiredLevel

Returns the Required Level of an item. Items with no required level will return 0.

itemspell Scroll

Scroll effect, if any.

int SellPrice

Price to sell this item at this merchant

int Shielding


int Size


int SizeCapacity

If item is a container, size of items it can hold.

| Value | Meaning | | 1 | SMALL | | 2 | MEDIUM | | 3 | LARGE | | 4 | GIANT |



int SkillModMax


int SkillModValue


int SlotsUsedByItem


spell Spell

Spell effect

int SpellDamage

Spell damage

int SpellShield


int STA

STA value on item

int Stack

Number of items in the stack

bool Stackable


int StackCount

The total number of the stackable item in your inventory

int Stacks

Number of stacks of the item in your inventory

int StackSize

Maximum number if items that can be in the stack

int STR

STR value on item

int StrikeThrough


int StunResist

Stun resist



int svCold

svCold value on item

int svCorruption

svCorruption value on item

int svDisease

svDisease value on item

int svFire

svFire value on item

int svMagic

svMagic value on item

int svPoison

svPoison value on item

ticks Timer

Returns the number of ticks remaining on an item recast timer

int TimerReady

Returns the number of seconds remaining on an item recast timer

bool Tradeskills


int Tribute

Tribute value of the item

string Type


int Value

Item value in coppers

int Weight

Item weight



int WIS

WIS value on item

itemspell Worn

Passive worn effect, if any.

invslot WornSlot[N]

The Nth invslot this item can be worn in (fingers/ears count as 2 slots)

bool WornSlot[name]

Can item be worn in invslot with this name? (worn slots only)

int WornSlots

The number of invslots this item can be worn in (fingers/ears count as 2 slots)

string (To String)

Same as Name


Name Action
Inspect Opens the item display window for this item

Spell Effect Types

EffectType will return one of the following values:

Click Inventory

Item has a right-click effect and can be used from the inventory.

Click Unknown

Item has an unknown right-click effect restriction.

Click Worn

Item has a right-click effect and must be equipped to use it.


Item has a combat proc effect.

Spell Scroll

Item is a scribable spell scroll, and the effect is the spell that will be scribed.


Item has an effect that is persistent while worn (focus effect).

DisplayItem Index


This section needs to be moved to the MQ2ItemDisplay article

${DisplayItem} now takes an index as an option parameter index can be 0-5 you can still just do ${DsiplayItem} and it will just pick whatever you inspected last.

Example: /echo ${DisplayItem[5]}

  • Info = 1,
  • WindowTitle = 2,
  • AdvancedLore = 3,
  • MadeBy = 4,
  • Information = 5,
  • DisplayIndex = 6

NOTE: There is a difference between .Info and .Information .Info contains for example: .Info can return text like; this item is placable in yards, guild yards blah blah , This item can be used in tradeskills .Information can return text like Item Information: Placing this augment into blah blah, this armor can only be used in blah blah