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/advloot [personal/shared] [option command]

Window Commands Descritpion
giveto Gives item to that character IE "/advloot share 1 giveto billybob"
leave Leaves the item on the corpse (Note: to unlock the corpse from timer, ALL items related to that corpse must be looted or left on it)


Used for sending commands to the AdvLoot window (some require you to be the master looter)


Command Description
/advloot shared 1 leave If you are the Master Looter this will cause item 1 on the share loot list to be left on the corpse
/advloot shared "spiderling silk" leave If you are the Master Looter this will cause the first "spiderling silk" it finds in the shared list to be left on the corpse...
/advloot shared 3 ag That will select AG on the shared loot list for item 3
/advloot shared 1 giveto player 1 If you are the Master Looter this will take the item 1 from the Shared list and give it to player