/caption list | update # | MQCaptions [on|off] | reload | type value
Customize spawn captions (names, titles, linkdead, etc.). You can also limit how many captions are processed to improve performance.
- list - List custom captions
- reload - Update captions from .ini
- Update - The number of nearest spawns which will have their caption updated each pass. The default is 35.
- MQCaptions [on|off] - Turns captions on or off
- The anon option has been deprecated, please use /mqanon instead
- type value - The spawn type and the value for its caption. Available types are:
Type | Description |
Player1-6 | Player captions for /shownames 1-6 |
Pet | Pet captions |
Merc | Mercenary captions |
NPC | NPC captions |
Corpse | Corpse captions |
Default captions can be overriden in the [Captions]
section of your MacroQuest.ini file.
# Player1 (basic), /shownames 1
Player1=${If[${NamingSpawn.Mark},${NamingSpawn.Mark} - ,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Trader},Trader ,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Invis},(${NamingSpawn.DisplayName}),${NamingSpawn.DisplayName}]}${If[${NamingSpawn.AFK}, AFK,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Linkdead}, LD,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.LFG}, LFG,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.GroupLeader}, LDR,]}
# Player3 (with guild), /shownames 3
Player3=${If[${NamingSpawn.Mark},${NamingSpawn.Mark} - ,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Trader},Trader ,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Invis},(${NamingSpawn.DisplayName}),${NamingSpawn.DisplayName}]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Surname.Length}, ${NamingSpawn.Surname},]}${If[${NamingSpawn.AFK}, AFK,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Linkdead}, LD,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.LFG}, LFG,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.GroupLeader}, LDR,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Guild.Length},\n<${NamingSpawn.Guild}>,]}
NPC=${If[${NamingSpawn.Mark},${NamingSpawn.Mark} - ,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Assist},>> ,]}${NamingSpawn.DisplayName}${If[${NamingSpawn.Assist}, - ${NamingSpawn.PctHPs}%<<,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Surname.Length},\n(${NamingSpawn.Surname}),]}
# Corpse
Corpse=${NamingSpawn.DisplayName}'s corpse
- NamingSpawn is an internal TLO, so it's not documented along with other TLOs since it will always return NULL outside of caption processing. It inherits all spawn members. (e.g., DisplayName from
is a spawn member.) - Use
to add a new line when setting captions - To set a caption in-game,
/caption Corpse ${NamingSpawn.DisplayName}'s corpse
- To revert to the default, you can delete the [Captions] section of your MacroQuest.ini file or clear the specific type with an empty value command like so,
/caption Corpse