/click [ left | right ] [ target | item | door | switch | center | x y ]
Executes a left or right mouse button click on targets or specific screen location.
Click targets¶
- target: Clicks your current target (PC, NPC)
- item: Clicks the currently "/itemtarget"-ed ground item or container
- door or switch: Clicks the currently "/doortarget"-ed door or switch
- center: Clicks the center of the viewport
- x y: Clicks anywhere on the screen by specifying coordinates (absolute or relative, e.g. "100 200" or "+10 -20").
If no target argument is specified then the mouse button is clicked at the current mouse position.
Certain commands (e.g., "/shiftkey /click right target") can be chained to combine keystroke modifiers with clicking actions.
Example | Description |
/click left | Left-clicks at the current mouse position |
/click right target | Right-clicks your currently selected target |
/click left item | Left-clicks a ground item. Requires setting a ground item first via /itemtarget |
/click left door | Left-clicks a door or switch. Requires setting a door via /doortarget |
/click right center | Right-clicks the center of the viewport |
/click left +10 +10 | Moves the mouse 10 px right/down from the current position and left-clicks |
/click right 100 200 | Moves the mouse to coordinates (100,200) and right-clicks |