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/notify windowname control [ notification [ data ] ]


This command is used to interact with UI windows. It can simulate various mouse and keyboard interactions with UI elements.


  • windowname is the name of the window (e.g., "HotButtonWnd"). Use the Window Inspector (preferred) within the /mqconsole or the /windows command to list all available windows.
  • control can be:
    • Control name (e.g., "HB_Button1")
    • "0" to send the notification to the window itself (commonly used for "close" and other window-level notifications)
  • The data parameter is primarily used with notifications like "newvalue" for sliders or "listselect" for lists


Notification Description Data Required
leftmouseup Left-click on controlname No
leftmouseheld Left-click and hold controlname until leftmouseheldup is performed No
leftmouseheldup Releases the mouse from leftmouseheld No
rightmouseup Right-click on controlname No
rightmouseheld Right-click and hold controlname until rightmouseheldup is performed No
rightmouseheldup Releases the mouse from rightmouseheld No
enter Press the enter key on controlname No
close Clicks the Close Window gadget of windowname No
mouseover Hovers the mouse over controlname No
newvalue # Changes the value in controlname to # Yes - number
listselect # Selects the #th item in the controlname list Yes - number
leftmouse # Clicks the #th item in the controlname list Yes - number
tabselect # Selects the #th tab in the controlname list Yes - number
menuselect Selects context menu item Yes - menu item number/text
history Used for command history in input boxes No
link Handles clickable links in windows No
contextmenu Opens context menu No
resetdefaultposition Resets window position to default No


/notify hotbuttonwnd HB_Button1 leftmouseup                                        Activates the first hotkey 
/notify somewindow SomeSlider newvalue 100                                         Moves the referenced slider in the window to 100 
/notify trackingwnd 0 close                                                        Closes the tracking window 
/notify TradeskillWnd RecipeList listselect 1                                      Selects the first item in the RecipeList listbox
/notify BuffWindow Buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[BuffName].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup     Cancels the buff called "BuffName"
/notify InventoryWindow IW_Subwindows tabselect 4                                  Select 4th tab in the Inventory window  
/notify AuraWindow Remove_Aura leftmouseup                                         Removes aura through the aura window
/notify QuantityWnd QTYW_slider newvalue #                                         Adjust the value of the slider in Quantity Window.

Put the item name in the bazaar search dialog box

/echo ${SelectedItem.Name}
/notify BazaarSearchWnd ${SelectedItem.Name}

Select and click an item in a list

/notify TaskWnd TASK_TaskList listselect 1
/delay 4
/notify TaskWnd TASK_TaskList leftmouse 1
/delay 4

Select Parcel tab on Parcel Merchant and click Receive All button

/notify MerchantWnd MW_MerchantSubWindows tabselect 3
/delay 1s
/notify MerchantWnd MW_Retrieve_All_Button leftmouseup