/notify windowname control [ notification [ data ] ]
This command is used to interact with UI windows. It can simulate various mouse and keyboard interactions with UI elements.
- windowname is the name of the window (e.g., "HotButtonWnd"). Use the Window Inspector (preferred) within the /mqconsole or the /windows command to list all available windows.
- control can be:
- Control name (e.g., "HB_Button1")
- "0" to send the notification to the window itself (commonly used for "close" and other window-level notifications)
- The data parameter is primarily used with notifications like "newvalue" for sliders or "listselect" for lists
Notification | Description | Data Required |
leftmouseup | Left-click on controlname | No |
leftmouseheld | Left-click and hold controlname until leftmouseheldup is performed | No |
leftmouseheldup | Releases the mouse from leftmouseheld | No |
rightmouseup | Right-click on controlname | No |
rightmouseheld | Right-click and hold controlname until rightmouseheldup is performed | No |
rightmouseheldup | Releases the mouse from rightmouseheld | No |
enter | Press the enter key on controlname | No |
close | Clicks the Close Window gadget of windowname | No |
mouseover | Hovers the mouse over controlname | No |
newvalue # | Changes the value in controlname to # | Yes - number |
listselect # | Selects the #th item in the controlname list | Yes - number |
leftmouse # | Clicks the #th item in the controlname list | Yes - number |
tabselect # | Selects the #th tab in the controlname list | Yes - number |
menuselect | Selects context menu item | Yes - menu item number/text |
history | Used for command history in input boxes | No |
link | Handles clickable links in windows | No |
contextmenu | Opens context menu | No |
resetdefaultposition | Resets window position to default | No |
/notify hotbuttonwnd HB_Button1 leftmouseup Activates the first hotkey
/notify somewindow SomeSlider newvalue 100 Moves the referenced slider in the window to 100
/notify trackingwnd 0 close Closes the tracking window
/notify TradeskillWnd RecipeList listselect 1 Selects the first item in the RecipeList listbox
/notify BuffWindow Buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[BuffName].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup Cancels the buff called "BuffName"
/notify InventoryWindow IW_Subwindows tabselect 4 Select 4th tab in the Inventory window
/notify AuraWindow Remove_Aura leftmouseup Removes aura through the aura window
/notify QuantityWnd QTYW_slider newvalue # Adjust the value of the slider in Quantity Window.
Put the item name in the bazaar search dialog box
/echo ${SelectedItem.Name}
/notify BazaarSearchWnd ${SelectedItem.Name}
Select and click an item in a list
/notify TaskWnd TASK_TaskList listselect 1
/delay 4
/notify TaskWnd TASK_TaskList leftmouse 1
/delay 4
Select Parcel tab on Parcel Merchant and click Receive All button
/notify MerchantWnd MW_MerchantSubWindows tabselect 3
/delay 1s
/notify MerchantWnd MW_Retrieve_All_Button leftmouseup