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Clicks "yes" on in-game dialogues and popups. Technically not a command, this is an /alias that's included by default.


Here's what the alias is really doing behind the scenes. From your MacroQuest.ini,

/yes=/multiline ; /squelch /notify LargeDialogWindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup ; /squelch /notify LargeDialogWindow LDW_OKButton leftmouseup ; /squelch /notify ConfirmationDialogBox CD_Yes_Button leftmouseup ; /squelch /notify ConfirmationDialogBox CD_OK_Button leftmouseup ; /squelch /notify TradeWND TRDW_Trade_Button leftmouseup ; /squelch /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup ; /squelch /notify ProgressionSelectionWnd ProgressionTemplateSelectAcceptButton leftmouseup ; /squelch /notify TaskSelectWnd TSEL_AcceptButton leftmouseup ; /squelch /notify RaidWindow RAID_AcceptButton leftmouseup