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Used to access information about bandolier sets on your character.


bool Active

Indicates if the bandolier set is active

int Index

Returns the index number of the bandolier set

bandolieritem Item[Index]

Provides information about the specified item. Returns the Nth item in the set (Primary, Secondary, Ranged, Ammo)

string Name

Returns the name of the bandolier set


Name Action
Activate Activate the bandolier profile

Associated DataTypes


int IconID

Returns the icon id for the item

int ID

Returns the item id for the item

string Name

Returns the name of the item



| Activate the bandolier set named "1HB"
/if (!${Me.Bandolier[1HB].Active}) {
    /echo Player want us to activate Bandolier: 1HB.
    /invoke ${Me.Bandolier[1HB].Activate}

| Print the weapon in the primary bandolier slot
/echo I have a ${Me.Bandolier[1HB].Item[1].Name} in my primary bandolier slot
-- Activate the bandolier set named "1HB"
if not mq.TLO.Me.Bandolier('1HB').Active() then
    print('Player wants us to activate Bandodlier: 1HB')

-- Print the weapon in the primary bandolier slot
print('I have a ', mq.TLO.Me.Bandolier('1HB').Item(1).Name(), ' in my primary bandolier slot')