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Data about a particular character class


bool CanCast

Can cast spells, including Bard

bool ClericType

True if class is a Cleric or Paladin

bool DruidType

True if class is a Druid or Ranger

bool HealerType

True if class is a Healer (Cleric, Druid or Shaman)

int ID

The class numeric ID

bool MercType

True if class is Mercenary

string Name

The full name of the class. Ex: "Ranger"

bool NecromancerType

True if class is a Necromancer or Shadow Knight

bool PetClass

True if class is a pet class (Shaman, Necromancer, Mage or Beastlord)

bool PureCaster

True if class is a pure caster (Cleric, Druid, Shaman, Necromancer, Wizard, Mage or Enchanter)

bool ShamanType

True if class is Shaman or Beastlord

string ShortName

The short name (three letter code) of the class. Ex: RNG for Ranger

string To String

Same as Name

Class name and ShortName list:

Name ShortName
Bard BRD
Beastlord BST
Berserker BER
Cleric CLR
Druid DRU
Enchanter ENC
Magician MAG
Monk MNK
Necromancer NEC
Paladin PAL
Ranger RNG
Shadow Knight SHD
Shaman SHM
Warrior WAR
Wizard WIZ
Mercenary MER