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Data for the current dynamic zone instance

See Also: TLO:DynamicZone


bool InRaid


dzmember Leader

The leader of the dynamic zone

bool LeaderFlagged

Returns true if the dzleader can successfully enter the dz (this also means the dz is actually Loaded.)

int MaxMembers

Maximum number of characters that can enter this dynamic zone

int MaxTimers

The number of timers present in Timers

dzmember Member[#|name]

The dynamic zone member # or name

int Members

Current number of characters in the dynamic zone

int MinMembers

Minimum number of members required.

string Name

The full name of the dynamic zone.

dztimer Timer[#|name]

Access the list of current lockout timers. This is either an index from 1 to MaxTimers, or a "Expedition|Event" combination. Event is optional, but if multiple Expeditions match, the timer with the earliest lockout expiration will be returned.

string To String

Same as Name



Example usage of Timer

| Example output: 2:10:24
/echo ${DynamicZone.Timer[Nagafen's Lair|Lord Nagafen].Timer.TimeDHM}
-- Example output: 2:10:24
print(mq.TLO.DynamicZone.Timer("Nagafen's Lair|Lord Nagafen").Timer.TimeDHM())


  • January 19th, 2022: Added MinMembers
  • July 9th, 2021: Added MaxTimers, Timer