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Contains data on a specific group member


This type inherits members from spawn if the member is in the current zone.

int Index

Which number in the group the member is

bool Leader

TRUE if the member is the group's leader, FALSE otherwise

int Level

The member's level

bool MainAssist

TRUE if the member is designated as the group's Main Assist, FALSE otherwise

bool MainTank

TRUE if the member is designated as the group's Main Tank, FALSE otherwise

bool MasterLooter

TRUE if the member is designated as the group's Master Looter, FALSE otherwise

bool MarkNpc

TRUE if the member is designated as the group roule Mark NPC, FALSE otherwise

bool Mercenary

TRUE if the member is a mercenary, FALSE otherwise

string Name

The name of the group member. This works even if they are not in the same zone as you.

bool Offline

TRUE if the member is offline and FALSE if online

bool OtherZone

TRUE if the member is online but in another zone and FALSE if online and in same zone as you.

int PctAggro


bool Present

TRUE if the member is online and in same zone and FALSE if online and not in same zone as you.

bool Puller

TRUE if the member is designated as the group's Puller, FALSE otherwise

spawn Spawn

Accesses the group member's spawn. Not all members will have a spawn (if they are out of the zone).

string To String

Same as Name


/echo ${Group.Member[0].Leader}

Echo TRUE if you are Group Leader.

/echo ${Group.Member[3].Puller}

Echo TRUE if Group Member 3 is marked as Role Puller