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Data related to hotbuttons


altability AltAbility

If this hotbutton activates an alternate ability, this will return the alternate ability that is activated by pressing this button.

int ButtonIndex

Returns the index of the button in the hotbutton page it resides on.

e.g., if this hotbutton is the third button on the page, it will return 3.

int BarIndex

Returns which bar this button resides on.

e.g. If this hotbutton is on the first (main) hotbutton bar, it will return 1.

int IconSlot

Returns the ID of the icon that is displayed by this hotbutton, if any. Which icon this identifies depends on the value of IconType.

If no icon is present, this will return -1.

int IconType

Returns the type of icon that is displayed by this hotbutton. Each type of icon is read from a specific icon texture atlas.

If no icon is present, this will return -1.

Value Meaning Texture Atlas
-1 No icon n/a
0 Item icon A_DragItem
1 Spell Icons A_SpellGems
2 Menu Icons A_MenuIcons

item Item

An item that is linked to the hot button

string ItemGuid

Unique identifier of the item associated with this hotbutton, if any.

If no item is associated with this hotbutton, this will return an empty string.

int ItemId

ID of the item associated with this hotbutton.

If no item is associated with this hotbutton, this will return 0.

string ItemName

Name of the item associated with this hotbutton.

If no item is associated with this hotbutton, this will return an empty string.

string Label

Display label for this hotbutton.

int PageIndex

Returns the index of the page of the hotbar that this button resides on.

int Slot

The meaning of this value depends on the type of hotbutton. The type of hotbutton can be determined with the Type member.

See HotButton Types for the meaning of the Slot parameter.

social Social

Returns the social if this hotbutton is associated with a social. Otherwise returns NULL.

string Spell

If the hotbutton is a spell gem, this will return the associated spell.

If the hottbuton is an alternate ability, this will return the spell associated with the alternate ability.

Otherwise, returns NULL.

int Type

Returns the type of hotbutton. See HotButton Types.

string TypeName

Returns the type name of hotbutton. See HotButton Types.



Activates the hotbutton as if it were clicked.


Activate the first hotbutton on the first hotbar

/invoke ${Window[HotButtonWnd/HB_Button1].HotButton.Activate}

HotButton Types

Each hotbutton has a type that determines what it is associated with. The type also determines the meaning of the Slot

Type Type Name Contents Slot
0 None Empty hotbutton n/a
1 WeaponSlot The "Melee Attack" or "Range Attack" button 0 = melee attack, 1 = range attack
2 CombatSkill unused (deprecated) n/a
3 Ability unused (deprecated) n/a
4 Social Social macro or an AltAbility button 0-119 = social macro. 120+ = Alt ability (subtract 120 to get ability id)
5 InventorySlot An inventory slot Invslot id
6 MenuButton Menu item from the EQ menu Menu item id
7 SpellGem Memorized spell gem Spell gem slot number
8 PetCommand Pet command from the pet window Which pet command
9 Skill Skill or innate ability 0-100 = skill by id, 101-125 = innate skill
10 MeleeAbility unused (deprecated) n/a
11 LeadershipAbility Leadership ability button (emu only) First 3 bits (Slot & 7) is the button number (1, 2, 3). Shift right 3 bits to get the leader ability id.
12 ItemLink A specific item Not used (uses item guid/id instead)
13 KronoSlot The krono slot n/a
14 Command Keybind command ID of the command
15 CombatAbility Combat ability Spell ID of the combat ability
16 MountLink Item link from mount keyring Not used (uses item guid/id instead)
17 IllusionLink Item link from illusion keyring Not used (uses item guid/id instead)
18 FamiliarLink Item link from familiar keyring Not used (uses item guid/id instead)
19 TeleportationLink Item link from teleportation keyring Not used (uses item guid/id instead)


To access a hot button, go through the Window TLO:


> /echo ${Window[HotButtonWnd2/HB_Button6].HotButton.Label}
Harm Touch
> /echo ${Window[HotButtonWnd2/HB_Button6].HotButton.Type}
> /echo ${Window[HotButtonWnd2/HB_Button6].HotButton.AltAbility}
> /echo ${Window[HotButtonWnd2/HB_Button6].HotButton.Spell}
Harm Touch XXXII

The Window Inspector can be used to identify hotbars and hotbuttons.