Represents a spell effect on an item.
int CastTime
- Spell cast time.
int EffectiveCasterLevel
- Effective level that is used to cast the spell.
int EffectType
- The type of item spell effect.
int MaxCharges
- The maximum number of charges supported by this spell.
int OtherID
- ???
string OtherName
- Synonym of OverrideName
string OverrideDescription
- Overrides the normal spell description string, if set.
string OverrideName
- Overrides the normal spell name string, if set.
int ProcRate
- Combat effect proc rate.
int RecastType
- Recast type of the spell.
int RequiredLevel
- Level required for the spell to be usable.
spell Spell
- The spell.
int SpellID
- ID of the Spell.
int TimerID
- Timer ID of the spell.