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The Macro DataType deals with the macro currently running, and nothing else.


string CurCommand

list the current line number, macro name, and code of the macro being processed

int CurLine

The current line number of the macro being processed

string CurSub

The current subroutine

bool isOuterVariable

true if the provided parameter is a defined outer variable

bool isTLO

true if the provided parameter an existing TLO

int MemUse

How much memory the macro is using

string Name

The name of the macro currently running

int Params

The number of parameters that were passed to the current subroutine

bool Paused

NULL if no macro running, FALSE if mqpause is off, TRUE if mqpause is on

string Return

The value that was returned by the last completed subroutine

int64 RunTime

How long the macro has been running (in seconds)

int StackSize


varies Variable

returns the value given the name of Macro variable. The type of this member depends on the type of the variable being accessed.


Method Name Action
Undeclared List all undeclared variables