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Represents an in-game spawn.


int AARank

AA rank number

string AATitle

Synonym for Title (deprecated)

string ActorDef


bool AFK


bool Aggressive

returns TRUE or FALSE if a mob is aggressive or not

int Animation

Current animation ID. See Animations for a list of animations.

bool Anonymous


bool Assist

Current Raid or Group assist target?

string AssistName


bool Binding

Binding wounds?

int Blind


body Body

Body type

bool BodyWet


bool bShowHelm


cachedbuff Buff


int BuffCount


timestamp BuffDuration


bool BuffsPopulated


bool Buyer

Is a buyer? (ie. Buyer in the bazaar)

cachedbuff CachedBuff

Caches buff information cast on others

int CachedBuffCount


bool CanSplashLand

TRUE/FALSE on if a splash spell can land...

Note: This check is ONLY for line of sight to the targetindicator (red/green circle)

spell Casting

Spell, if currently casting (only accurate on yourself, not NPCs or other group members)

float CeilingHeightAtCurrLocation


class Class


string CleanName

The "cleaned up" name

int CombatSkillTicks


string ConColor

Returns consider color

  • GREY
  • BLUE
  • RED

int ContractorID


int CorpseDragCount

Number of corpses being dragged

int CurrentEndurance

Current Endurance points (only updates when target/group)

int64 CurrentHPs

Current hit points

int CurrentMana

Current Mana points (only updates when target/group)

float D

Shortcut for -Z (makes Downward positive)

bool Dead


deity Deity


string DisplayName

Name displayed in game (same as EQ's %T)

float Distance

Distance from player in (x,y)

float Distance3D

Distance from player in (x,y,z) in 3D

float DistanceN

Distance from player in Y plane (North/South)

float DistancePredict

Estimated distance in (x,y), taking into account the spawn's movement speed but not the player's

float DistanceU

Distance from player in Z plane (Up/Down)

float DistanceW

Distance from player in X plane (East/West)

float DistanceX

Distance from player in X plane

float DistanceY

Distance from player in Y plane

float DistanceZ

Distance from player in Z plane

bool Ducking


float E

Shortcut for -X (makes Eastward positive)

string EQLoc

Location using EQ format

int Equipment

returns a inttype, it takes numbers 0-8 or names: head chest arms wrists hands legs feet primary offhand

bool FeetWet

Feet wet/swimming?

bool Feigning


cachedbuff FindBuff


bool Fleeing

Is your target moving away from you?

float FloorZ


spawn Following

The spawn a player is following using /follow on - also returns your pet's target via ${Me.Pet.Following}

string Gender


bool GM

GM or Guide?

int GMRank


bool GroupLeader

Group leader?

string Guild

Guild name

string GuildStatus

Guild status (Leader, Officer, Member) NOTE GuildStatus is no longer present in BETA/TEST/LIVE versions and only available in UF and ROF EMU builds.

heading Heading

Heading in this direction

heading HeadingTo

Heading player must travel in to reach this spawn

heading HeadingToLoc[y, x]

Heading to the coordinates y,x from the spawn

bool HeadWet


float Height


bool Holding

Is the spawn holding an item?

int HoldingAnimation


bool Hovering


int ID

Spawn ID

int InPvPArea


bool Invis[ANY|0]

Returns whether invis is in effect against specific types of creatures.

Options are:

  • ANY or 0 - ${Me.Invis[ANY]} or ${Me.Invis[0]} or ${Me.Invis}
  • NORMAL or 1 - ${Me.Invis[NORMAL]} or just ${Me.Invis[1]}
  • UNDEAD or 2 - ${Me.Invis[UNDEAD]} or just ${Me.Invis[2]}
  • ANIMAL or 3 - ${Me.Invis[ANIMAL]} or just ${Me.Invis[3]}
  • SOS or 4 - ${Me.Invis[SOS]} or just ${Me.Invis[4]} returns true IF you are a ROG AND in fact hidden AND have a skill of at least 100 in HIDE AND have the AA for SoS

bool IsSummoned

Is this a summoned being?

bool IsTouchingSwitch


int Level


bool Levitating


bool LFG


string Light

Name of the light class this spawn has

bool LineOfSight

Returns TRUE if spawn is in LoS

bool Linkdead


string Loc

Loc of the spawn

string LocYX

LocYX of the spawn

string LocYXZ


float Look

Looking this angle

int Mark

Current Raid or Group marked npc mark number (raid first)

spawn Master

Master, if it is charmed or a pet

int MaxEndurance

Maximum Endurance points (only updates when target/group)

int64 MaxHPs

Maximum hit points

int MaxMana

Maximum Mana points (only updates when target/group)

float MaxRange

The max distance from this spawn for it to hit you

float MaxRangeTo

The Max distance from this spawn for you to hit it

int MercID


spawn Mount


bool Moving


string MQLoc

Location using MQ format

cachedbuff MyBuff


int MyBuffCount


timestamp MyBuffDuration


float N

Synonym for Y

string Name


bool Named

Is this a "named" spawn (ie. does it's name not start with an "a" or an "an")

spawn NearestSpawn[search]

Find the nearest spawn matching this Spawn Search, to this spawn (most efficient on yourself)

spawn NearestSpawn[#, search]

Find the #th nearest spawn matching this Spawn Search, to this spawn (most efficient on yourself)

spawn Next

Next spawn in the list

spawn Owner

Owner, if mercenary

int PctEndurance

Current endurance as a percent

int64 PctHPs

Current hitpoins as a percent

int PctMana

Current mana as a percent

spawn Pet

Returns this spawn's pet, if one exists.

int PlayerState

returns a mask as an int of which each bit has the following meaning:

Value Meaning
0 Idle
1 Open
2 WeaponSheathed
4 Aggressive
8 ForcedAggressive
16 InstrumentEquipped
32 Stunned
64 PrimaryWeaponEquipped
128 SecondaryWeaponEquipped

spawn Prev

Previous spawn in the list

int Primary

Item ID of anything that may be in the Primary slot

race Race


bool Roleplaying


float S

Shortcut for -Y (makes Southward positive)

int Secondary

Item ID of anything that may be in the Secondary slot

int SeeInvis


bool Sitting


bool Sneaking


int SpawnStatus


float Speed

Speed moving

bool Standing


int StandState


string State

Return current animation state:

  • "STAND"
  • "SIT"
  • "DUCK"
  • "BIND"
  • "FEIGN"
  • "DEAD"
  • "STUN"
  • "HOVER"
  • "MOUNT"

bool Stuck


bool Stunned


string Suffix

Suffix attached to name, eg. of

string Surname

Last name

bool Targetable


spawn TargetOfTarget


bool TemporaryPet


timestamp TimeBeenDead


string Title

Prefix/Title before name

bool Trader


string Type

The Type of Spawn.

  • "PC"
  • "NPC"
  • "Untargetable"
  • "Mount"
  • "Pet"
  • "Corpse"
  • "Chest"
  • "Trigger"
  • "Trap"
  • "Timer"
  • "Item"
  • "Mercenary"
  • "Aura"
  • "Object"
  • "Banner"
  • "Campfire"
  • "Flyer"

float U

Synonym for Z

bool Underwater


float W

Synonym for X

float X

X coordinate

float Y

Y coordinate

float Z

Z coordinate

float N

X, the Northward-positive coordinate

float W

Y, the Westward-positive coordinate

float U

Z, the Upward-positive coordinate

float E

Shortcut for -X (makes Eastward positive)

float S

Shortcut for -Y (makes Southward positive)

float D

Shortcut for -Z (makes Downward positive)

string To String

Same as Name


Name Action
DoAssist assists the spawn
DoFace Faces target
DoTarget Targets the spawn
LeftClick left clicks the spawn
RightClick Right clicks the spawn


Example Output
${Pet.Equipment[primary].ID} ID number of the pet's primary weapon
${Group.Member[mymagesname].Pet.Equipment[primary].ID} ID number of the group member's pet's primary weapon