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This is the type used for spell information.


int ActorTagId


float AERange

AE range (group spells use this for their range)

int Attrib


int AutoCast


int64 Base


int64 Base2


int BaseEffectsFocusCap


string BaseName


bool Beneficial


int BookIcon

Numeric ID of the Icon used to represent the spell.

int Calc


int CalcIndex


bool CanMGB


string CastByMe


string CastByOther


string CastOnAnother

Message when cast on others

string CastOnYou

Message when cast on yourself

timestamp CastTime

Cast time (unadjusted)

string Category

Name of the category the spell belongs to (e.g. "HP Buffs")

int CategoryID

Numeric ID of the category this spell belongs to

int64 CounterNumber

The number of counters that the spell adds

string CounterType

The resist counter. Will be one of "Disease", "Poison", "Curse" or "Corruption"

bool Deletable

Whether a spell can be deleted from the spell book

string Description


bool Dispellable

Whether a spell can be dispelled

ticks Duration

Duration of the spell (if any)

ticks DurationValue1

Duration of the spell (if any)

int DurationWindow


int EnduranceCost


ticks EQSpellDuration


string Extra


timestamp FizzleTime

Time to recover after fizzle

int GemIcon

Icon number of the spell. Example ${Spell[blah].GemIcon}

bool HasSPA[#]


int HastePct

Percentage of haste, example of use ${Me.Hasted.HastePct} or ${Spell[Speed of Milyex].HastePct}

int ID

Spell ID

bool IllusionOkWhenMounted


bool IsActiveAA


bool IsSkill

is this spell a skill?

bool IsSwarmSpell

Is this spell a Swarm spell?

int Level


string Link[text]

Generate a clickable spell link. text is optional and overrides the text of the link.

int Location

Appears to be max distance

int Mana

Mana cost (unadjusted)

int64 Max


int64 MaxLevel


int MinCasterLevel

Minimum level required by any class to cast this spell.

timestamp MyCastTime

Adjusted cast time

ticks MyDuration


float MyRange

Adjusted spell range, including focus effects, etc.

string Name

Spell Name

int NoExpendReagentID


int NumEffects


float PushBack

Push back amount

float Range

Maximum range to target (use AERange for AE and group spells)

int Rank

Returns either 1, 2 or 3 for spells and 4-30 for clickables and potions.

string RankName

Returns the spell/combat ability name rank character has.

int ReagentCount


int ReagentID


float RecastTime

Time to recast after successful cast

int RecastTimerID


timestamp RecoveryTime

Same as FizzleTime

int ResistAdj

Resist adjustment

string ResistType

The resist type of the spell. Will be one of the following:

  • Chromatic
  • Corruption
  • Cold
  • Disease
  • Fire
  • Magic
  • Poison
  • Unresistable
  • Prismatic
  • Unknown

string Restrictions


string Skill

The skil used by the spell. Will be one of the following:

  • Abjuration
  • Alteration
  • Conjuration
  • Divination
  • Evocation

int SlowPct

Percentage of slow, example of use ${Target.Slowed.SlowPct} or ${Spell[Slowing Helix].SlowPct}

int SpellGroup


int SpellIcon

Numeric ID of the Icon used to represent the spell.

string SpellType

The type of spell. Will be one of the following:

  • Beneficial(Group)
  • Beneficial
  • Detrimental
  • Unknown

bool Stacks[duration]

Does the selected spell stack with your current buffs (duration is in ticks)

bool StacksPet[duration]

Does the selected spell stack with your pet's current buffs (duration is in ticks)

bool StacksSpawn


bool StacksTarget

Does the selected spell stack with your target's current buffs

bool StacksWith[name]

alias for .WillStack - see entry for more details

bool StacksWithDiscs


string Subcategory

Name of the subcategory this spell belongs to (e.g. "Shielding")

int SubcategoryID

Numeric Id of the subcategory this spell belongs to.

int SubSpellGroup


string TargetType

The targeting method of the spell. Will be one of the following:

  • AE PC v1
  • AE PC v2
  • AE Summoned
  • AE Undead
  • Animal
  • Beam
  • Caster PB NPC
  • Caster PB PC
  • Chest
  • Corpse
  • Directional AE
  • Free Target
  • Group v1
  • Group v2
  • Hatelist
  • Hatelist2
  • LifeTap
  • Line of Sight
  • No Pets
  • None
  • PB AE
  • Pet
  • Pet Owner
  • Pet2
  • Plant
  • Self
  • Single
  • Single Friendly (or Target's Target)
  • Single in Group
  • Special Muramites
  • Summoned
  • Target of Target
  • Target_AE_No_Players_Pets
  • Targeted AE
  • Targeted AE Tap
  • Uber Dragons
  • Uber Giants
  • Undead
  • Unknown

int TimeOfDay


spell Trigger


string WearOff

The "wear off" message

int WillLand

This is like stacks but without the duration check. It's a clean: "Will this spell land." Returns the slot it would land in.

int WillLandPet

Same as WillLand, but for your pet.

bool WillStack[name]

Does the selected spell stack with the specific SPELL name DOES NOT work with AAs.

string (To String)

Same as Name


Name Action
Inspect Opens the spell display window for this spell


Spell variables can be assigned the following types with /vardata:

  • int: Assigns the spell by spell id
  • string: Assigns the spell by spell name
  • spell: Copies a spell stored in another var

Spell variables can also be assigned an id or name with /varset. These conversions are equivalent to the Spell TLO.

Spell Ranks

Spell Example:

> /echo I have the ${Spell[Certitude].RankName} version of Certitude.
I have the Certitude Rk. II version of Ceritude.

Combat Ability Example:

> /echo My version of Rest is: ${Spell[Rest].RankName}
My version of Rest is: Rest Rk. II

To cast a spell with the proper rank, use the following:

/cast "${Spell[Vinespur].RankName}"