This data type represents information specific to your current target. It contains additional members for querying buff information.
This type inherits members from spawn.
spawn <|-- target
direction RL
class spawn {
class target {
cachedbuff Aego
- Returns the name of the Aego spell if the Target has one
spawn AggroHolder
- Returns the target's current target.
cachedbuff Beneficial
- Returns the name of the Beneficial spell if the Target has one. This will skip "player" casted buffs, but will show NPC Casted buffs and some AA buffs.
cachedbuff Brells
- Returns the name of the Brells spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Charmed
- Returns the name of the Charmed spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Clarity
- Returns the name of the Clarity spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Corrupted
- Returns the name of any the Corruption spell if Target has one
cachedbuff Cursed
- Returns the name of the Curse spell if Target has one
cachedbuff Crippled
- Returns the name of the Cripple spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Diseased
- Returns the name of a Disease spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Dotted
- Returns the name of a DOT spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff DSed
- Returns the name of the Damage Shield spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Feared
- ???
cachedbuff Focus
- Returns the name of the Focus spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Growth
- Returns the name of the Growth spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Hasted
- Returns the name of the Haste spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff HybridHP
- Returns the name of the Hybrid HP spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Invulnerable
- ???
cachedbuff Maloed
- Returns the name of the Malo spell if the Target has one
float MaxMeleeTo
- ???
cachedbuff Mezzed
- Returns the name of the Mez spell if the Target has one
int PctAggro
- ???
cachedbuff Poisoned
- Returns the name of a Poison spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Pred
- Returns the name of the Predator spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Regen
- Returns the name of the Regen spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff RevDSed
- Returns the name of the Reverse Damage Shield spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Rooted
- Returns the name of the Rooted spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff SE
- Returns the name of the Spiritual Enlightenment spell if the Target has one
spawn SecondaryAggroPlayer
- ???
int SecondaryPctAggro
- ???
cachedbuff Shining
- Returns the name of the Shining spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Silenced
- ???
cachedbuff Skin
- Returns the name of the Skin spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Slowed
- Returns the name of the Slow spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Snared
- Returns the name of the Snare spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Strength
- Returns the name of the Strength spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff SV
- Returns the name of the Spiritual Vitality spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Symbol
- Returns the name of the Symbol spell if the Target has one
cachedbuff Tashed
- Returns the name of the Tash spell if the Target has one
string (To String)
- Same as Name
| The Delay will end when the pet is targeted...AND target buffs are
| populated, or 5 seconds, whichever is shorter.
/target pet
/delay 5s ${Target.ID}==${Pet.ID} && ${Target.BuffsPopulated}==TRUE