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This data type represents information specific to your current target. It contains additional members for querying buff information.


This type inherits members from spawn.

  spawn <|-- target
  direction RL
  class spawn {
  class target {


cachedbuff Aego

Returns the name of the Aego spell if the Target has one

spawn AggroHolder

Returns the target's current target.

cachedbuff Beneficial

Returns the name of the Beneficial spell if the Target has one. This will skip "player" casted buffs, but will show NPC Casted buffs and some AA buffs.

cachedbuff Brells

Returns the name of the Brells spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Charmed

Returns the name of the Charmed spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Clarity

Returns the name of the Clarity spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Corrupted

Returns the name of any the Corruption spell if Target has one

cachedbuff Cursed

Returns the name of the Curse spell if Target has one

cachedbuff Crippled

Returns the name of the Cripple spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Diseased

Returns the name of a Disease spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Dotted

Returns the name of a DOT spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff DSed

Returns the name of the Damage Shield spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Feared


cachedbuff Focus

Returns the name of the Focus spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Growth

Returns the name of the Growth spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Hasted

Returns the name of the Haste spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff HybridHP

Returns the name of the Hybrid HP spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Invulnerable


cachedbuff Maloed

Returns the name of the Malo spell if the Target has one

float MaxMeleeTo


cachedbuff Mezzed

Returns the name of the Mez spell if the Target has one

int PctAggro


cachedbuff Poisoned

Returns the name of a Poison spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Pred

Returns the name of the Predator spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Regen

Returns the name of the Regen spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff RevDSed

Returns the name of the Reverse Damage Shield spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Rooted

Returns the name of the Rooted spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff SE

Returns the name of the Spiritual Enlightenment spell if the Target has one

spawn SecondaryAggroPlayer


int SecondaryPctAggro


cachedbuff Shining

Returns the name of the Shining spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Silenced


cachedbuff Skin

Returns the name of the Skin spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Slowed

Returns the name of the Slow spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Snared

Returns the name of the Snare spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Strength

Returns the name of the Strength spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff SV

Returns the name of the Spiritual Vitality spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Symbol

Returns the name of the Symbol spell if the Target has one

cachedbuff Tashed

Returns the name of the Tash spell if the Target has one

string (To String)

Same as Name


| The Delay will end when the pet is targeted...AND target buffs are
| populated, or 5 seconds, whichever is shorter.
/target pet
/delay 5s ${Target.ID}==${Pet.ID} && ${Target.BuffsPopulated}==TRUE