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This is the type for your current task objective.


int CurrentCount

Returns the current count of the .Type needed to complete a objective

int DZSwitchID

Returns an int of the switch used in a objective.

string Index

Returns the objective's place on the objectivelist

string Instruction

Returns a tasks' Objectives

bool Optional

Returns true or false if a objective is optional

int RequiredCount

Returns the required count of the .Type needed to complete a objective

string RequiredItem

Returns a string of the required item to complete a objective.

string RequiredSkill

Returns a string of the required skill to complete a objective.

string RequiredSpell

Returns a string of the required spell to complete a objective.

string Status

Returns the status of the objective in the format amount done Vs total IE 0/3

string Type

Returns a string that can be one of the following:<

  • Unknown
  • None
  • Deliver
  • Kill
  • Loot
  • Hail
  • Explore
  • Tradeskill
  • Fishing
  • Foraging
  • Cast
  • UseSkill
  • DZSwitch
  • DestroyObject
  • Collect
  • Dialogue

string Zone

Returns the zone the objective is to be performed in