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A timestamp represented in milliseconds.


int Days

Number of days remaining in the timestamp (3d 2h 23m will return 3)

float Float

timestamp represented in remaining seconds (1hr 23 min 53 seconds will return 5033.00)

int64 Hours

Number of hours remaining in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 1)

int64 Minutes

Number of Minutes remaining in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 23)

int64 Raw

Remaining time value represented in milliseconds

int64 Seconds

Number of Seconds remaining in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 53)

int64 Ticks

Remaining time value represented in ticks

string Time

Remaining time value formatted in M:S

string TimeDHM

Remaining time value formatted in D:H:M (Days:Hours:Minutes)

string TimeHMS

Remaining time value formatted in H:M:S

int64 TotalMinutes

Total number of remaining minutes in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 83)

int64 TotalSeconds

Total number of remaining minutes in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 5033)

string (To String)

Same as Raw


  • July 9th, 2021: Added Days, TimeDHM