A timestamp represented in milliseconds.
int Days
- Number of days remaining in the timestamp (3d 2h 23m will return 3)
float Float
- timestamp represented in remaining seconds (1hr 23 min 53 seconds will return 5033.00)
int64 Hours
- Number of hours remaining in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 1)
int64 Minutes
- Number of Minutes remaining in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 23)
int64 Raw
- Remaining time value represented in milliseconds
int64 Seconds
- Number of Seconds remaining in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 53)
int64 Ticks
- Remaining time value represented in ticks
string Time
- Remaining time value formatted in M:S
string TimeDHM
- Remaining time value formatted in D:H:M (Days:Hours:Minutes)
string TimeHMS
- Remaining time value formatted in H:M:S
int64 TotalMinutes
- Total number of remaining minutes in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 83)
int64 TotalSeconds
- Total number of remaining minutes in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 5033)
string (To String)
- Same as Raw
- July 9th, 2021: Added Days, TimeDHM