This is not a complete list. Note that the animation ID #'s above 100 or so are for the newer models like the Drakkin.
A distance of 500 seems to be the cutoff for animation ID's to be sent to the client, but not all of them are sent at that distance. For example you may get the standing and turning ID's, but not the casting ones. As you move closer to the spawn, the update of ID's becomes more consistent. Between a distance of 400 - 450 they seem to become consistent. If you need to rely on ID updates for a script, I would play it safe and stick with 400.
Animation ID's do not rely on line of sight.
1 | kick |
5 | melee |
6 | melee2 |
11 | roundhouse |
15 | drowning |
16 | dead |
17 | walking |
18 | running |
19 | jumprun |
20 | jumpinplace |
21 | falling |
24 | ducking |
25 | tread_water |
26 | stand_animated2 |
27 | casting1 |
28 | emote_cry |
29 | emote_wave |
30 | emote_rude |
32 | stand2 |
33 | sitting |
34 | turning |
36 | bind_wound |
37 | swimming |
43 | casting2 |
44 | casting3 |
45 | kick2 |
46 | tigerclaw |
47 | eaglestrike |
48 | emote_nod |
51 | emote_clap |
53 | emote_blush |
54 | emote_snicker |
55 | emote_cough |
56 | emote_duck |
57 | emote_stare |
58 | emote_dance |
59 | emote_veto |
60 | emote_glare |
61 | emote_peer |
62 | emote_grovel |
63 | emote_laugh |
64 | emote_point |
65 | emote_shrug |
67 | emote_salute |
68 | emote_shiver |
69 | emote_tap |
70 | emote_bow |
71 | stand1 |
72 | stand_animated1 |
74 | mounted |
80 | melee3 |
82 | melee4 |
104 | walking2 |
105 | reverse |
106 | running2 |
107 | turn_right |
108 | turn_left |
109 | bind_wound2 |
110 | stand3 |
111 | stand_animated3 |
112 | melee4 |
118 | sitting2 |
121 | sit_animation |
122 | ducking2 |
123 | jumprun2 |
124 | jumpinplace2 |
125 | crawl |
127 | tread_water2 |
128 | swimming2 |
134 | castin4 |
135 | casting5 |
144 | youarehit |
145 | drowning2 |
146 | dead2 |
151 | falling2 |
152 | emote_bow2 |
154 | emote_wave2 |
155 | salute2 |
156 | emote_clap2 |
158 | emote_point2 |
159 | emote_snicker2 |
160 | emote_shrug2 |
162 | emote_cry2 |
163 | emote_rude2 |
165 | emote_grovel2 |
166 | emote_blush2 |
167 | emote_cough2 |
168 | emote_duck2 |
172 | emote_shiver2 |
174 | emote_tap2 |
177 | emote_glare2 |
180 | emote_stare2 |
254 | zonein |