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Provides access to achievements.


achievement Achievement[#|Name]

Look up an achievement by name or by id.

achievementmgr Achievement

Access the achievement manager which provides access to information about achievements

Associated DataTypes


Provides access achievements, achievement categories, and other information surrounding the achievement system.

achievement Achievement[#|Name]

Find an achievement by its ID or by its name.

achievement AchievementByIndex[#]

Find an achievement by its index.

int AchievementCount

The number of achievements in the manager.

achievementcat Category[#|Name]

Find an achievement category by its id or by its name.Note: If searching by name, only top-level categories are returned from the achievement manager.

achievementcat CategoryByIndex[#]

Find an achievement category by its index.

int CategoryCount

The number of achievement categories in the manager.

int Points

The total number of accumulated achievement points.

int CompletedAchievement

The number of completed achievements.

int TotalAchievement

The number of available achievements.

bool Ready

Indicates that the manager has loaded all achievement data and is ready to be used.



Looking up achievements by name may not always return the correct achievement if multiple exist with the same name. Achievement IDs should be preferred over names as they don't change and are unique.

Note About Achievement Indices

Achievements and categories can be looked up by index. This is significantly faster than looking up by id or name. However, these indices are not stable and will change from patch to patch, but they will not change during the session.

If an achievement is being utilized in a script many times, it may be more performant to look up an achievement's index (with its .Index member) and then use that in subsequent queries.

See Achievement Examples for some examples of using indices for looking up achievements.

Achievement[ # ]` and Achievement.Achievement[ # ] are equivalent and are provided for consistency. The primary way to access achievement information should be via id. Achievement IDs are unique and do not change.

To look up an achievement's ID, you can look up an achievement by name, or you can use the Achievements Inspector.

Usage Examples

| Look up an achievement by name, and then print its ID.
/echo ${Achievement[Master of Claws of Veeshan].ID}

| print the completed status of achievement
| "Wayfarers Brotherhood Adventurer's Stone (Various 20+)"
/echo ${Achievement[500980300].Completed}
-- Look up an achievement by name, and then print its ID.
print(mq.TLO.Achievement("Master of Claws of Veeshan").ID())

-- print the completed status of achievement
-- "Wayfarers Brotherhood Adventurer's Stone (Various 20+)"