The AdvLoot TLO grants access to items in the Advanced Loot window.
itemfilterdata Filter[ItemID]
- Inspect the loot filter for a given ItemID.
bool LootInProgress
- True/False if looting from AdvLoot is in progress
int PCount
- item count from the Personal list
advlootitem PList[Index]
- Inspect the item at the specified index in the personal loot list.
int PWantCount
- Want count from the Personal list (AN + AG + ND + GD)
int SCount
- Item count from the Shared list
advlootitem SList[Index]
- Inspect the item at the specified index in the shared loot list.
int SWantCount
- Want count from the Shared list (AN + AG + ND + GD)
datatype advlootitem
Represents a discrete item being looted in an AdvLoot window.
bool AlwaysGreed
- The Always Greed (AG) state of the item.
bool AlwaysNeed
- The Always Need (AN) state of the item.
bool AutoRoll
- The Auto Roll state (dice icon) of the item.
spawn Corpse
- The spawn representing the corpse that is being looted, if available.
bool FreeGrab
- Indicates that the item is free grab.
bool Greed
- The Greed (GD) state of the item.
int IconID
- The ID of the icon for the item.
int64 ID
- The ID of the item.
int Index
- The positional index of the item.
string Name
- The name of the item.
bool Need
- The Need (ND) state of the item.
bool Never
- The Never (NV) state of the item.
bool No
- The No state of the item.
bool NoDrop
- Indicates if the item is NO DROP.
int StackSize
- The size of the stack of items being looted.
string To String
- Same as Name
datatype itemfilterdata
A collection of settings that together describe the loot filter for an item.
bool AutoRoll
- The Auto Roll state (dice icon).
bool Greed
- The Greed (GD) state.
int IconID
- The ID of the icon.
int ID
- The ID of the item.
string Name
- The Name of the item.
bool Need
- The Need (ND) state.
bool Never
- The Never (NV) state.
int Types
- Bit field representing all the loot filter flags for this item.
string To String
- Same as Name
| Echo the name of the first item in the personal loot list
/echo ${AdvLoot.PList[1].Name}
| Echo the number of items in the personal loot list.
/echo There are ${AdvLoot.PCount} items in the personal loot list
| Echo the stack size of the first item in the personal loot list.
/echo The item in index 1 has a StackSize of ${AdvLoot.PList[1].StackSize}
| If the first item in the shared loot list is marked as Need, then echo.
/if (${AdvLoot.SList[1].Need}==TRUE) /echo I need that item!
| Echo the NO DROP status of the first item in the personal loot list: TRUE or FALSE.
/echo ${AdvLoot.PList[1].NoDrop}
| Wait 10 seconds, or until AdvLoot is no longer in the process of looting.
/delay 10s !${AdvLoot.LootInProgress}
| Give the first item in the shared loot list to myself.
/if (!${AdvLoot.LootInProgress}) {
/echo Its safe to loot!
/if (${AdvLoot.SCount}>=1) {
/echo I am going to give 1 ${AdvLoot.SList[1].Name} to myself
/advloot shared 1 giveto ${Me.Name} 1
} else {
/echo Do something else, loot is already in progress...
-- Print the name of the first item in the personal loot list
-- Print the number of items in the personal loot list
print('There are ', mq.TLO.AdvLoot.PCount(), ' items in the personal loot list')
-- Print the stack size of the first item in the personal loot list.
print('The item in index 1 has a StackSize of ', mq.TLO.AdvLoot.PList(1).StackSize()))
-- If the first item in the shared loot list is marked as Need, then print a message.
if mq.TLO.AdvLoot.SList(1).Need() then
print('I need that item!')
-- Print the NO DROP status of the first item in the personal loot list.
-- Wait 10 seconds, or until AdvLoot is no longer in the process of looting.
mq.delay('10s', function() return not mq.TLO.AdvLoot.LootInProgress() end)
-- Give the first item in the shared loot list to myself.
if not mq.TLO.AdvLoot.LootInProgress() then
print('Its safe to loot!')
if mq.TLO.AdvLoot.SCount() >= 1 then
print('I am going to give 1 ', mq.TLO.AdvLoot.SList(1).Name(), ' to myself')
mq.cmdf('/advloot shared 1 giveto %s 1', mq.TLO.Me.Name())
print('Do something else, loot is already in progress...')