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Provides access to spawn search filter criteria in alerts. Alerts are created using /alert.


alert Alert[ID]

Retrieve information for the alert category by its id

| string | Alert | Returns pipe | separated list of alert ids |

datatype alert

Provides access to the values of an alert.

alertlist List[Index]

Get the item from the list at the specified index

int Size

Get the number of alerts

string To String

Returns Size as a string.

datatype alertlist

Provides access to the properties of a spawn search associated with an alert. For a spawn to be entered into an alert it must match all the criteria specified by the alert list.

See Also: Spawn Search.

int AlertList

Any spawn on the associated alert list

bool bAlert

Indicates usage of alert filter

bool bAura

Any aur.

bool bBanker

Any banker

bool bBanner

Any banner

bool bCampfire

Any campfire

bool bDps

Any player that is a DPS class

bool bExactName

Name match requiries an exact match

bool bFellowship

Any member of the fellowship

bool bGM

Any player flagged as a GM

bool bGroup

Any member of the group

bool bHealer

Any player that is a healer class

bool bKnight

Any player that is a knight

bool bKnownLocation

Indicates usage of a loc filter

bool bLFG

Any player that is flagged as LFG

bool bLight

Indicates usage of a light filter

bool bLoS

Any spawn in line of sight

bool bMerchant

Any merchant

bool bNamed

Any "named" NPC

bool bNearAlert

Indicates usage of nearalert filter

bool bNoAlert

Indicates usage of noalert filter

bool bNoGroup

Exclude any player that is in the group

bool bNoGuild

Exclude any player that is in the guild

bool bNoPet

Exclude any spawn that is a pet

bool bNotNearAlert

Indicates usage of notnearalert filter

string BodyType

Any spawn with given body type

bool bRaid

Any member of the raid

bool bSlower

Any player that is a slower

bool bSpawnID

Indicates usage of the id filter

bool bTank

Any player that is a tank class

bool bTargetable

Any spawn that is targetable

bool bTargNext

Indicates usage of the next filter

bool bTargPrev

Indicates usage of the prev filter

bool bTrader

Any player that is a trader

bool bTributeMaster

Any NPC that is a tribute master

string Class

Any spawn that is the given class

double FRadius

Any spawn that is given distance from the given loc filter

int FromSpawnID

Search starts at given spawn id

int64 GuildID

Any member of the guild with the given id

string Light

Any spawn that is equipped with the given light source

int MaxLevel

Any spawn that is at this level or lower

int MinLevel

Any spawn that is at this level or greater

string Name

Any spawn with the given name

int NearAlertList

Any spawn near the given alert list

int NoAlertList

Excludes any spawn in the given alert list

int NotID

Excludes any spawn with the given id

int NotNearAlertList

Excludes any spawn near the given alert list

int PlayerState

Any spawn with the given state

string Race

Any spawn with the given race

float Radius

Excludes the spawn if any player is within this distance (nopcnear filter)

int SortBy

Indicates the sort order of the filter

spawn Spawn

If an ID or Name is part of the filter, attempts to return a spawn with the matching ID or Name

int SpawnID

Any spawn with the given Spawn ID

int SpawnType

Any spawn with the given type

float xLoc

x component of the loc filter

float yLoc

y component of the loc filter

double ZRadius

z distance component of the loc filter


| Add an alert entry for Fippy to Alert list 1
/alert add 1 Fippy

| Will output 'Fippy'
/echo ${Alert[1].List[0].Name}

| Add an alert entry using our Spawn ID
/alert add 1 id ${Me.ID}

| Will output your Spawn ID
/echo ${Alert[1].List[1].SpawnID}

| Will output the number of alerts in list 1
/echo ${Alert[1].Size}
-- Add an alert entry for Fippy to Alert list 1
mq.cmd('/alert add 1 Fippy')

-- Will output 'Fippy'

-- Add an alert entry using our Spawn ID
mq.cmdf('/alert add 1 id %d', mq.TLO.Me.ID())

-- Will output our Spawn ID

-- Will output the number of alerts in list 1