The FrameLimiter TLO provides access to the frame limiter feature.
framelimiter FrameLimiter
- The frame limiter object
datatype framelimiter
Represents the state of the frame limiter
float BackgroundFPS
- Value of the target background fps setting.
bool ClearScreen
- Value of the clear screen when not rendering setting.
float CPU
- Current CPU usage as %
bool Enabled
- TRUE if the frame limiter feature is currently active.
float ForegroundFPS
- Value of the target foreground fps setting.
float MinSimulationFPS
- Value of the minimum simualtion rate setting.
float RenderFPS
- Current graphics scene frame rate (visible fps).
bool SaveByChar
- TRUE if settings for the frame limiter are being saved by character.
float SimulationFPS
- Current simulation frame rate (game updates per second).
string Status
- Either "Foreground" or "Background".
Indicates that the frame limiter is enabled:
/echo ${FrameLimiter.Enabled}