Object that has access to members that provide information on a plugin.
plugin Plugin[Name]
- Finds plugin by name, uses full name match, case insensitive.
plugin Plugin[N]
- Plugin by index, starting with 1 and stopping whenever the list runs out of plugins.
To see if a plugin is loaded:
/if (${Plugin[MQ2MoveUtils].IsLoaded}) {
/echo MQ2MoveUtils plugin is loaded!
if mq.TLO.Plugin('MQ2MoveUtils').IsLoaded() then
print('MQ2MoveUtils plugin is loaded!')
To load a plugin if needed:
/if (!${Plugin[MQ2MoveUtils].IsLoaded}) {
/plugin MQ2MoveUtils noauto
/if (!${Plugin[MQ2MoveUtils].IsLoaded}) {
/echo To Use this macro you need to have MQ2MoveUtils Loaded