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This plugin allows you to record and playback player movement.



/play [pathName|off] [stop] [pause|unpause] [loop|noloop] [normal|reverse] [smart|nosmart] [flee|noflee] [door|nodoor] [fast|slow]
[eval|noeval] [zone|nozone] [list] [listcustom] [show] [help] [setflag1]-[setflag9] y/n [resetflags]
The /play command will execute each command on the line. The commands that should be used single, or at the end of a line:
[off] [list] [listcustom] [show] [help]

setflag1-setflag9 can be used anywhere in the line and uses the following format:
/play setflag1 n pathname or /play pathname setflag n (n can be any single alpha character)
AdvPath flags can be accessed using ${AdvPath.Flag1} - ${AdvPath.Flag9}
/play resetflags resets all flags(1-9) to 'y'


/record save <PathName> ##
/record Checkpoint <checkpointname>
/record help
## is the distance between checkpoints to force checkpoints to be writen to the path file


/afollow [on|off] [pause|unpause] [slow|fast] [intercept]
/afollow spawn # [slow|fast] - default=fast
/afollow help

Top-Level Object



bool Active

Plugin loaded and ready

int State

FollowState, 0 = off, 1 = Following, 2 = Playing, 3 = Recording

int Waypoints

Total Number of Waypoints

int NextWaypoint

Number of NextWaypoint

string Y[Waypoint Name|#]

Y Location of Waypoint

string X[Waypoint Name|#]

X Location of Waypoint

string Z[Waypoint Name|#]

Z Location of Waypoint

spawn Monitor

Spawn you're Following

int Idle

Idle time when following and not moving

float Length

Estimated length of the follow PathName

bool Following

Following Spawn

bool Playing

Playing path

bool Recording

Recording path

int Status

Status 0 = off , 1 = on , 2 = Paused

bool Paused



AutoStopFollow=0/1/2 - how it works now/pause/turns off
AutoStopPath=0/1/2 - how it works now/pause/turns off
UseStuckLogic= 0/1 = off/on