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A timer data type is set in tenths of one second and counts down to zero; starting immediately after being set.


int OriginalValue

Original value of the timer

int Value

Current value of the timer

string To String

Same as Value


Name Action
Expire Set the timer to 0
Reset Reset the timer to the original value
Set[value] Set the timer to the given value


Consider the following timer:

/declare BuffTimer timer local
/varset BuffTimer 360

BuffTimer will be equal to 0 in:

  • 360 tenths of 1 second
  • 36 seconds
  • 6 ticks (a tick is 6 seconds)

Timers may also be set with an "s" (seconds) or an "m" (minutes) appended to the value. For example:

/varset BuffTimer 360s

This would set the timer to 3600 (360 * 10) tenths of 1 second

/varset BuffTimer 360m

This would set the timer to 216000 (360 * 60 * 10) tenths of 1 second

sub main
    /declare myTimer timer local 100
    /while ( ${myTimer} ) {
        /echo ${myTimer}
        /delay 10

This would loop while myTimer is above 0