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This contains data related to the specified in-game window

Windows come in many forms, but all are represented with the generic window type. In some of the descriptions, a bold window type may be specified, which defines the behavior for that type of window.


argb BGColor

Background color of the window.

bool Checked

Returns TRUE if the button has been checked.

window Child[name]

Find a child window with the provided name.


  • name: Name of a child window

bool Children

Returns TRUE if the window has children.

window CurrentTab

Applies to: TabBox

Returns the Page window associated with the currently selected tab.

int CurrentTabIndex

Applies to: TabBox

Returns the index of the currently selected tab.

bool Enabled

Returns TRUE if the window is enabled.

window FirstChild

Returns the first child window in the window hierarchy.

int GetCurSel

Deprecation Notice

This member is deprecated and discouraged from continued use. Please use SelectedIndex instead.

Applies to: Combobox, Listbox, TreeView

Index of the currently selected/higlighted item.

int Height

Height of the window in pixels.

bool Highlighted

Returns TRUE if the window is the currently focused window.

bool HisTradeReady

Returns the following data from the trade window, regardless of what the current window object is:

Has the other person clicked the Trade button?

hotbuttonwindow HotButton

Applies to: HotButton

Returns the HotButton associated with this window object.

int HScrollMax

Horizontal scrollbar maximum position.

int HScrollPct

Horizontal scroll bar current position as a percentage of the maximum position as a value from 0 to 100.

int HScrollPos

Horizontal scroll bar current position.

invslotwindow InvSlot

Applies to: InvSlot

Returns the InvSlot associated with this window object.

int Items

Applies to: Combobox, Listbox, TreeView

Number of items in the list.

string List[Row,Col]

Applies to: Combobox, Listbox, TreeView

Get text for an item in the list by the specified row and column. If the column is not provided then the first column is used.


  • Row: Row index of the item in the list.
  • Col: [optional] Column index of the item in the list.

int List[Text,Col]

Applies to: Combobox, Listbox, TreeView

Search a list for an item by text. Returns the index of the first element that matches the given text string.


  • Text: Text to search for. Partial match is performed. Prefix with = to perform an exact match.
  • Col: [optional] Column index of the item in the item in the list. If not provided, the first column is searched.

bool Minimized

Returns TRUE if the window is minimized.

bool MouseOver

Returns TRUE if the mouse is currently over the window.

bool MyTradeReady

Returns the following data from the trade window, regardless of what the current window object is:

Have I clicked the Trade button?

string Name

Name of the window.

Note: this value may be affected by custom ui.

window Next

Next sibling window in the window hierarchy.

bool Open

Returns TRUE if the window is open.

window Parent

Returns the parent of this window, or NULL if this is a top level window.

string ScreenID

ScreenID of the window piece.

Note: This is not custom ui dependent, it must be the same on all UIs.

int SelectedIndex

Applies to: Combobox, Listbox, TreeView

Index of the currently selected/higlighted item.

bool Siblings

Returns TRUE if the window has siblings.

string Size

Returns the size of the window in the form of width,height.

int Style

Returns an integer representing the window style bit flags.

int TabCount

Applies to: TabBox

The number of tabs present in the TabBox.

window Tab[Index]

Applies to: TabBox

Looks up the Page window that matches the provided tab index in the TabBox.

window Tab[Text]

Applies to: TabBox

Looks up the Page window that matches the provided tab text in the TabBox.

string Text

The text of the window. The actual value varies by type of window:

  • STMLbox: Returns the contents of the STML.
  • Page: Returns the name of the page's Tab.

string Tooltip

The tooltip text for the window. This value comes from the window's TooltipReference.

string Type

The window's type. The type will determine the behavior of some of the other members.

Can be one of:

  • Screen
  • Listbox
  • Gauge
  • SpellGem
  • InvSlot
  • Editbox
  • Slider
  • Label
  • STMLbox
  • TreeView
  • Combobox
  • Page
  • TabBox
  • LayoutBox
  • HorizontalLayoutBox
  • VerticalLayoutBox
  • FinderBox
  • TileLayoutBox
  • Screen
  • HotButton

int VScrollMax

Vertical scrollbar maximum position.

int VScrollPct

Vertical scroll bar current position as a percentage of the maximum position as a value from 0 to 100.

int VScrollPos

Vertical scroll bar current position.

int Width

Width of the window in pixels.

float Value


int X

The X coordinate of the window's position, in pixels.

int Y

The Y coordinate of the window's position, in pixels.

string To String

TRUE if the window is open, FALSE if not, matching Open



Close the window. Has the effect of hiding the window if it closed.


Open the window. Has the effect of showing the window if it is hidden.


Send a leftmousedown event to the window.

Has the same effect as using the /notify command on the window.


Send a leftmouseheld event to the window.

Has the same effect as using the /notify command on the window.


Send a leftmouseheldup event to the window.

Has the same effect as using the /notify command on the window.


Send a leftmouseup event to the window.

Has the same effect as using the /notify command on the window.


Move or resize the window.


Send a rightmousedown event to the window.

Has the same effect as using the /notify command on the window.


Send a rightmouseheld event to the window.

Has the same effect as using the /notify command on the window.


Send a rightmouseheldup event to the window.

Has the same effect as using the /notify command on the window.


Send a rightmouseup event to the window.

Has the same effect as using the /notify command on the window.


Applies to: Combobox, Listbox, TreeView

Selects the specified item in the list.


  • Index: The number index of the item to select


Set the alpha value for the window.


  • Alpha: The alpha value, a number between 0 and 255.


Set the background color.


  • Color: A hex string in the form "AARRGGBB"


Applies to: TabBox.

Changes the current tab of the tab box.


  • Index: Either the text or the index of the tab to select. If text is provided, it is case insensitive.


Set the faded alpha value for the window.


  • Alpha: The alpha value, a number between 0 and 255.


Applies to: EditBox

Changes the current text value of the edit box.


  • Text: The text to set to the edit box.


/invoke ${Window[MerchantWnd].DoOpen}

Expected Result: the Merchant window window appears

/echo ${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}

Returns TRUE if a Merchant window is open

/echo ${Window[windowname]}

Returns TRUE if the WindowName exists, but doesn't have to be opened.

/echo ${Window[MerchantWnd].Minimized}

Returns TRUE if the Window is opened and minimized

/echo ${Window[MerchantWnd/ItemList].List[=Water Flask,2]}

Returns the index (int) of Water Flask in the merchant's item list. ",2" means scan the second column, since that's where the item names are.

${Window[TradeskillWnd/RecipeList].List[=Inky Shadow Silk]}

Find an item in the tradeskill item list box by the exact name Inky Shadow Silk


Get the first-column text for the 1st item in the tradeskill item list box


Return TRUE if the other person has clicked the Trade button in the Trade Window


Return TRUE if I have clicked the Trade button in the Trade Window (TradeWnd)

${Window[RewardSelectionWnd/RewardPageTabWindow].Tab[Brew for the Day].Child[RewardSelectionOptionList].List[2]}

Returns the name of the 2nd option in the list of rewards for the tab titled "Brew for the Day"