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Data types related to the current MacroQuest2 session. These also inherit from the EverQuest Type.


bool Anonymize

Anonymize character data

int Build

The build (client target) for MacroQuest

Value Meaning
1 Live
2 Test
3 Beta
4 Emu

string BuildName

The build (client target) name for MacroQuest:

  • "Live"
  • "Test"
  • "Beta"
  • "Emu"

string BuildDate

Date that MacroQuest was built

string Error

Last normal error message

string InternalName

The internal name from MacroQuest("Next")

string MQ2DataError

Last Macro parsing error message

int Parser

Which parser engine is currently active

string Path[Option]

Retrieves the path to the specified location. If no path is provided, the root path of MacroQuest (where the MacroQuest.exe lives) is returned.


Be sure to use this member to access these paths, and do not hard code paths. These locations in MacroQuest are configurable and may not be in the default locations!

Option Result
root Returns the path to the root directory.
config Returns path to the config directory
crashdumps Returns the path to where crash dumps are stored
logs Returns the path to the logs directory
mqini Returns the path to MacroQuest.ini
macros Returns the path to the macros directory
plugins Returns the path to the plugins directory
resources Returns the path to the resources directory

If no path is provided, the root path is returned.

string SyntaxError

Last syntax error message

string Version

The full version of MacroQuest

string To String



Get the path to the config directory.

/echo ${MacroQuest.Path[config]}