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This is the type for your current task.


string Index

Returns the task's place on the tasklist

string Objective[#].Instruction

Returns a tasks's Objectives

| string | Objective[#].Status | Returns the status of the objective in the format amount done Vs total IE 0/3 |

string Objective[#].Zone

Returns the zone the objective is to be performed in

int CurrentCount

Returns the current count of the .Type needed to complete a objective

int RequiredCount

Returns the required count of the .Type needed to complete a objective

bool Optional

Returns true or false if a objective is optional

string RequiredItem

Returns a string of the required item to complete a objective.

string RequiredSkill

Returns a string of the required skill to complete a objective.

string RequiredSpell

Returns a string of the required spell to complete a objective.

int DZSwitchID

Returns an int of the switch used in a objective.

int ID

Returns an int of the task ID

string Step

Returns description of current step in the task

string Select

Selects the task

string Title

Returns name of the shared task

timestamp Timer

Returns amount of time before task expires

int Members

Returns number of members in task

taskmember Member[</b>#<b>]

Returns specified member in task by index

taskmember Member[</b>name<b>]

Returns specified member in task by name

string Leader

Returns task leader's name

int WindowIndex

Returns the Quest Window List Index. (if the window actually has the list filled)

string Type

Returns a string that can be one of the following:
  • Unknown
  • None
  • Deliver
  • Kill
  • Loot
  • Hail
  • Explore
  • Tradeskill
  • Fishing
  • Foraging
  • Cast
  • UseSkill
  • DZSwitch
  • DestroyObject
  • Collect
  • Dialogue


Name Action
Select[name] Select the given task name in the UI


Indexing Tasks

Task TLO can be accessed by index to make iteration possible.

Example: /echo ${Task[2].Title}

Don't use ${Task[1].ID} and expect it to be whatever is the first list item. Always refer to tasks by their name.


This index is not the same index as the one you see in the quest window list.

Tasks are accessed in memory order, not in the order they are displayed in the UI. If you want the UI order, you'll need to use the Window TLO.

Example: /echo ${Task[3].WindowIndex}

Example: /echo ${Task[Into The Muck].WindowIndex}

/echo ${Task[hatch].Type}

Output: Shared (Can be Shared or Quest in this context)


The Task TLO also has a Select Method:

Select can select list items and combobox items. It returns TRUE if a selection was made and FALSE if not.

/if (${Task[hatch].Select}) {
    /echo I just Selected a task that has the name "hatch" in it...
} else {
    /echo I did not find a task that has the word "hatch" in it, so nothing was selected.

/echo The task with "hatch" in is name is called: ${Task[hatch]}


Output: The task with "hatch" in is name is called: Hatching a Plan
/echo ${Task[hatch]} is listed as number ${Task[hatch].Index} in the tasklist.
Output: Hatching a Plan is listed as number 1 in the tasklist.
/echo The ${Task[hatch]} first objective is to ${Task[hatch].Objective[1].Instruction}
Output: The Hatching a Plan first objective is to find where the eggs are being incubated
/echo The ${Task[hatch]} first objective status is ${Task[hatch].Objective[1].Status}
Output: The Hatching a Plan first objective status is 0/1
/echo The ${Task[hatch]} first objective should be completed in ${Task[hatch].Objective[1].Zone}
Output: The Hatching a Plan first objective should be completed in Hatchery Wing
/echo I should be working on ${Task[hatch].Step} in ${Task[hatch].Step.Zone}