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Data related to arrays.


Array indexing starts at 1.


int Dimensions

Number of dimensions in the array

int Size

Total number of elements in the array

int Size[N]

Total number of elements stored in the N th dimension of the array


To create an array, attach square brackets to the end of the variable name and place in it the number of elements per dimension.


This array syntax only applies to MQScript. For lua, use tables instead.


This creates a single-dimension local array of int with 10 elements (1-10) all 0:

/declare MyArray[10] int

This creates a 2-dimensional 10x10 elements(1-10,1-10) int array of scope outer with all values of 5:

/declare MyArray[10,10] int outer 5

This creates a 3-dimensional array with 4x5x6 elements (1-4,1-5, 1-6) with UNDEFINED-ARRAY-ELEMENT in each location:

/declare MyArray[4,5,6] string outer UNDEFINED-ARRAY-ELEMENT

There is no limit to the number of dimensions or the number of elements in each dimension, but use your own good judgement.

Note: You cannot make an array of timers.


sub main
    /declare myArray[9] int local 0
    /declare myCounter int local

    /echo =============[Put Data]=================
    /for myCounter 1 to ${myArray.Size}
        /varset myArray[${myCounter}] ${Math.Rand[999]}
        /echo Put a random number in Index ${myCounter} of myArray
    /next myCounter

    /echo =============[Get Data]=================
    /for myCounter 1 to ${myArray.Size}
        /echo Index ${myCounter} in myArray is ${myArray[${myCounter}]}
    /next myCounter