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"Cached Buffs" used to be a new way to access buff information on players without needing to re-target them. Now, this functionality is fully integrated into MacroQuest and available through the buff datatype. As a result, using cached buffs is now discouraged.

You should only used this type if you need access to its "unique" style of buff lookup.

Information about cached buffs on a player. Data must be populated on a player by first targeting them.

See also: Cached Buffs.


This type inherits members from spell.

  spell <|-- cachedbuff
  direction RL
  class cachedbuff {
  class spell {


string Caster

Same as CasterName, added for consistency.

string CasterName

Returns the name of the caster who applied the buff (Deprecated, use Caster instead).

int Count

Returns the amount of buffs catched, or -1 it none

int Duration

Returns the duration of the buff

int OriginalDuration

Original duration of the buff.

int Slot

Returns the buff slot the target had the buff in

spell Spell

Access the spell.

int SpellID

Returns the buff's spell ID

timestamp Staleness

How long it has been since this information was refreshed.



Check the time left on a group member's buff. Assumes that data has already been populated by targeting them at some point in the recent past.

/echo ${Group.Member[2].CachedBuff[Spirit of Wolf].Duration}
print(mq.TLO.Group.Member(2).CachedBuff("Spirit of Wolf").Duration())