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This is not a complete list. Note that the animation ID #'s above 100 or so are for the newer models like the Drakkin.

A distance of 500 seems to be the cutoff for animation ID's to be sent to the client, but not all of them are sent at that distance. For example you may get the standing and turning ID's, but not the casting ones. As you move closer to the spawn, the update of ID's becomes more consistent. Between a distance of 400 - 450 they seem to become consistent. If you need to rely on ID updates for a script, I would play it safe and stick with 400.

Animation ID's do not rely on line of sight.

1 kick
5 melee
6 melee2
11 roundhouse
15 drowning
16 dead
17 walking
18 running
19 jumprun
20 jumpinplace
21 falling
24 ducking
25 tread_water
26 stand_animated2
27 casting1
28 emote_cry
29 emote_wave
30 emote_rude
32 stand2
33 sitting
34 turning
36 bind_wound
37 swimming
43 casting2
44 casting3
45 kick2
46 tigerclaw
47 eaglestrike
48 emote_nod
51 emote_clap
53 emote_blush
54 emote_snicker
55 emote_cough
56 emote_duck
57 emote_stare
58 emote_dance
59 emote_veto
60 emote_glare
61 emote_peer
62 emote_grovel
63 emote_laugh
64 emote_point
65 emote_shrug
67 emote_salute
68 emote_shiver
69 emote_tap
70 emote_bow
71 stand1
72 stand_animated1
74 mounted
80 melee3
82 melee4
104 walking2
105 reverse
106 running2
107 turn_right
108 turn_left
109 bind_wound2
110 stand3
111 stand_animated3
112 melee4
118 sitting2
121 sit_animation
122 ducking2
123 jumprun2
124 jumpinplace2
125 crawl
127 tread_water2
128 swimming2
134 castin4
135 casting5
144 youarehit
145 drowning2
146 dead2
151 falling2
152 emote_bow2
154 emote_wave2
155 salute2
156 emote_clap2
158 emote_point2
159 emote_snicker2
160 emote_shrug2
162 emote_cry2
163 emote_rude2
165 emote_grovel2
166 emote_blush2
167 emote_cough2
168 emote_duck2
172 emote_shiver2
174 emote_tap2
177 emote_glare2
180 emote_stare2
254 zonein