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Reason for Existence

MQ2Anonymize has the singular purpose of filtering text displayed to the user. It is mostly useful in streaming/recording applications with the hope that any identifying information is not visible to others. This, of course, is an intractable problem so the best that we can do is filter words and hope it works. It is by no means a perfect safety tool and if the user cares about anonymity, should be used in service of supporting a larger anonymization strategy.

Word of Warning

This plugin will only filter in game. What that means is that any text at server select, character select, login, etc will not be filtered. Please make any considerations necessary to prevent visibility of the client outside of actual in-game experiences.

How Your Plugin Can Anonymize

MQ2Anonymize cannot control what plugin authors do, so instead we provide the API to anonymize any text that the plugin may render if anonymization is turned on. We are able to anonymize central points of text display (such as writing the the MQ2 console with WriteChatColor and variants of it), but anything that renders text outside those plugins will need to have explicit API calls to Anonymize(). For plugin authors: when in doubt make sure to test that anonymization works in game with your plugin before releasing it!


The API is very simple: CXStr& Anonymize(CXStr& Text) The signature is such that it satisfies 2 things: can be linked via C-style linkage for use externally, and can be called in-line. The function uses Text as a buffer and returns it as a result. This means that the plugin writer will need to allocate the CXStr passed to the appropriate scope (usually on the stack is fine), but since it's not a c-string, we don't need to support MAX_STRING allocations on the stack anymore. This also has the advantage of using EQ's native string class (CXStr) so it should be very easy to integrate.


CXStr text(text_to_anonymize);
text = Anonymize(text);

End-User Instructions

In order to enable anonymization, the end-user (player) needs to do some setup. Turning it on and off is simple: /mqanon will simply toggle the active state of anonymization. All interaction with this functionality is done with arguments to this command, here is a brief summary.

Important Note: Due to the quirky nature of how EQ sets bone sprite text, we have implemented anon into the captions code. If you want name sprites to anonymize, you must turn captions on with /caption MQCaptions on!

Command Reference

  • no arguments: toggle on/off state of anonymization
  • /mqanon asterisk <name>
  • add a filter for name and replace it with asterisks
  • /mqanon class <name>
  • add a filter for name and replace it with class information
  • /mqanon custom <name> <text>
  • add a filter for name and replace it with custom text
  • /mqanon drop <name>
  • remove the filter for name
  • /mqanon alias <name> <alternate>
  • add an alternate for name
  • will use the same replacement strategy as name
  • /mqanon unalias [name] <alternate>
  • remove an alternate from name
  • specifying the name is optional here
  • /mqanon me [asterisk|class|me|none]
  • set self anonymization to strategy
  • if no argument is specified, will use the me strategy
  • /mqanon group <asterisk|class|none>
  • set group anonymization to strategy
  • /mqanon fellowship <asterisk|class|none>
  • set fellowship anonymization to strategy
  • /mqanon guild <asterisk|class|none>
  • set guild anonymization to strategy
  • /mqanon raid <asterisk|class|none>
  • set raid anonymization to strategy
  • /mqanon save
  • save the current configuration
  • /mqanon load
  • load the configuration from file
  • for use when editing the config externally
  • /mqanon [command] -h or /mqanon [command] --help
  • display help
  • commands that take arguments also allow this switch

Replacement Priority

Since the same character can exist in multiple groupings (guild/group/raid, etc) and each grouping can have a separate strategy, there is a defined order in which text replacing is done. That means that a name that exists in multiple groupings will use the highest priority replacement strategy. The priority is as follows: 1) Custom 2) Self 3) Group 4) Guild 5) Raid

Replacement Strategies

There are some pre-built strategies that are commonly used (as seen in the command reference): - asterisk - replaces the middle characters in the name with asterisks - Myname becomes M****e - class

  • replaces the name with "[${{Spawn[pc {0}].Level}}] ${{Spawn[pc {0}].Race}} ${{Spawn[pc {0}].Class}} ${{Spawn[pc {0}].Type}}"

  • note that this assumes a pc

  • me

  • replaces the name with "[${Me.Level}] ${Me.Race} ${Me.Class} ${Me.Type}"

  • only appropriate when anonymizing the client's character

  • where
  • this keyword allows completely generic anonymization
  • the string will be processed as macro text at the time of replacement