Frame Limiter¶
Frame limiter is a built-in feature of MacroQuest that helps control the resource usage of EverQuest by limiting how often the game renders frames.
Frame lmiter settings can be modified in the MacroQuest Settings window.
/framelimiter [COMMAND] {OPTIONS}
Frame limiter tool: allows adjusting internal frame limiter settings.
enable -- turn the framelimiter on (background)
on -- turn the framelimiter on (background)
disable -- turn the rendering client off
off -- turn the rendering client off
toggle -- set/toggle the framelimiter functionality
enablefg -- turn the framelimiter on (foreground)
onfg -- turn the framelimiter on (foreground)
disablefg -- turn the framelimiter off (foreground)
offfg -- turn the framelimiter off (foreground)
togglefg -- set/toggle the framelimiter (foreground)
savebychar -- set/toggle saving settings by character
bgrender -- set/toggle rendering when client is in background
imguirender -- set/toggle rendering ImGui when rendering is otherwise disabled
uirender -- set/toggle rendering the UI when rendering is otherwise disabled
clearscreen -- set/toggle clearing (blanking) the screen when rendering is disabled
bgfps -- set the FPS rate for the background process
fgfps -- set the FPS rate for the foreground process
simfps -- sets the minimum FPS the simulation will run
reloadsettings -- reload settings from ini
-h, -?, help -- displays this help text
Top-Level Objects¶
float BackgroundFPS
- Value of the target background fps setting.
bool ClearScreen
- Value of the clear screen when not rendering setting.
float CPU
- Current CPU usage as %
bool Enabled
- TRUE if the frame limiter feature is currently active.
float ForegroundFPS
- Value of the target foreground fps setting.
float MinSimulationFPS
- Value of the minimum simualtion rate setting.
float RenderFPS
- Current graphics scene frame rate (visible fps).
bool SaveByChar
- TRUE if settings for the frame limiter are being saved by character.
float SimulationFPS
- Current simulation frame rate (game updates per second).
string Status
- Either "Foreground" or "Background".