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Subroutines and Functions


We know that every macro must have a Main Subroutine (see Macro Reference). However custom Subroutines can be created as a way of re-using common code, and as a way of separating code into logical blocks or routines.

Subroutines start with a Sub line and end with a /return line. When it hits the /return line, it will pass control back to the calling Sub, at the point right after it was called.

When a subroutine is called, it runs all of the commands within it immediately.

Accessing your subroutine from the Main or other sub can be done with the /call command. Take the following example:

Sub Main
    /call TestSub
    /echo This is the main sub

Sub TestSub
    /echo This is a sub

This will echo the following into the MQ2 Chat Window:

This is a sub
This is the main sub

Subroutine Names

Only the following characters are allowed in the name of a subroutine: [a-z][A-Z][0-9]_

Name lookup is case insensitive.

Passed Parameters

All macros accept parameters passed to them when called. The parameters can be defined in the Sub line, or if not defined, they are available through the Param0, Param1, Param2, ... ParamN local variables while in the sub. If you don't define the types of variables, they will default to strings. The following two examples will both output the same thing:

Sub Echo1(One,Two)
    /echo ${One} ${Two}

Sub Echo2
    /echo ${Param0} ${Param1}


Any parameters passed to the sub are automatically declared as local variables for that Sub (no need to /declare them).

Return Values

A return value for the sub can be added after the /return command, and can be accessed through ${Macro.Return} by the calling macro. Take this example:

Sub Add(int A, int B)
    /declare Sum int local ${Math.Calc[${A}+${B}]}
    /return ${Sum}

This will take the two passed variables (A and B), add them together and return the result. To use it, you'd need call it like so:

Sub Main
    /call Add 10 12
    /echo ${Macro.Return}

This would echo 22 in the MQ2 Chat Window.

Return values can be used in Subs as well as Event Subrouties called by /doevents.


Subroutines can also be evaluated as part of an expression. The subroutine Add from the above example could also be used like so:

Sub Main
    /echo ${Add[10,12]}

This would also echo 22 in the MQ2 Chat Window.

A function without arguments must be called as ${SomeFunction[]}.

If you evaluate as sub as part of expression, the sub has no delays, its just flushes through the sub so any advanced logic or processing is not a good use. Using subroutine as an inline function should be limited to simple repetive tasks, like math or writing things or something that is not macro critical for how time moves