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Guild Buff Bot


Guild Buff Bot a macro by TheDroidUrLookingFor, to help out a few friends. You can run it on a Shaman, Magician, Enchanter, Ranger, Druid, or Cleric.


- Buffs level appropriate buffs when Hailed. - Setup to use languages for FV. - Echos who it is helping to EQBC for debug is on. - Mage: Summons Pet toys when it hears "toys" - Mage: Summons Between 1- 20 Pet toys when it hears "toys 1-20" - Mage: Summons Invis stone when it hears "invis" - Mage: Summons mod rod when it hears "rod" - Mage: Summons damage rod when it hears "drod" - Mage: Summons arrows/quiver when it hears "arrows" - Mage: Summons Invis stone, Lev Ring, Mod Rod, and Damage Rod when it hears "other" - Cleric: Will resurrect a player when it hears "rez" - Druid: Ports to all available druid Zephyrs. - Wizard: Ports to all available wizard Translocates. - Account balances! Charge people for your buffs and stop buffing them if they can't afford it. - Will deduct a set amount each time it buffs a pet, merc, or the initiator. - Will deduct a set amount teach time it summons on the mage. - Moved everything you need to change into the INI.

Available Commands:

  • All

-- Hail for level appropriate buffs.

  • Druid

-- ports

  • Wizard

-- ports

  • Mage

-- toys -- toys x(1-20) -- invis -- arrows -- rod -- drod -- other

  • Cleric

-- rez

  • Necromancer

-- summon