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Script Examples

Following are examples of scripts that have been created by ModBot users over the years. Some work great, while others work pretty well, but they all at the very least will give you some solid examples from which you can start to create your own fantactis scripts (which you will, of course, post here as an example :)

Heal Script Examples

Intelligent use of Promised Renewal

Please note: "PR" has been added as a precondition for heals, so this script is no longer needed (although it is being left here as a good example). Please see the AdvHeal section of the ModBot wiki for information on using PR with AHPreCondition.

Unlike most other heal spells, Promised Renewal lands as a buff on the target that heals after it fades (~18 seconds). The challenge in the current incarnation of ModHeal is that Modheal calculates the mob's dps and along with your target's time to live \(ttl\) without taking into account the PR buff - the end result is that it will often cast a big (and mana expensive) fast heal on your target five seconds before the PR buff fades.

This script, created by Kroak, works to use PR correctly.

C1=/declare vName string local {Spawn[{Param1}].Name}
C2=/if ({NetBots[{vName}].ID} && !{NetBots[{vName}].Buff.Find[9755]} || !{Me.LAInspectBuffs} && !{NetBots[{vName}].ID} || {NetBots[{Spawn[{Param1}].Name}].Buff.Find[9755]} && {NetBots[{vName}].Duration[{NetBots[{vName}].Buff.Left[{NetBots[{vName}].Buff.Find[9755]}].Count[ ]}]}>2 && {Spawn[{Param1}].PctHPs}<55) /return TRUE
C3=/if ({NetBots[{Spawn[{Param1}].Name}].Buff.Find[9755]} && ({NetBots[{vName}].Duration[{NetBots[{vName}].Buff.Left[{NetBots[{vName}].Buff.Find[9755]}].Count[ ]}]}<3 && {Param2}==13 || {NetBots[{vName}].Duration[{NetBots[{vName}].Buff.Left[{NetBots[{vName}].Buff.Find[9755]}].Count[ ]}]}<2 && {Param2}!=13)) /return FALSE
C4=/if ({NetBots[{vName}].ID}) /return FALSE
C5=/if ({Target.ID}!={Param1}) /target id {Param1}
C6=/delay 2s {Target.ID}=={Param1} && {Target.Buff[1].ID} || {Me.TargetOfTarget.ID}
C7=/if ({Target.BuffDuration[Promised Renewal]}<3) /return FALSE
C8=/return TRUE

Kroak notes the following about this script:

  • Parts of this I did in an attempt to be sure non-netbots toons are checked also, but Netbots toons are checked

first, and the rest is untested, and I think turned off by line 4. There's a couple of reasons this isn't the

perfect solution - Rk. II versions of the spell will require a change in the ID checked. I don't have Rk. II, so

this just checks for buff id 9755. Also, the PctHps\<55 is a very important check. For harder fights you might want

that a bit higher.

  • The second line checks if you're attempting to cast CH and checks the duration of the buff against cast time of your


  • If you notice how long some of the lines are, you might guess why I'd like Netbots[X].Duration[Y] to take a

spell name or ID instead of only listing by buff number.

  • Anyways, my goal was to set this in my NetworkINI file, then AHPreCondition8=net-CHCheck on any toon that heals. It


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Disc and Item Examples

Procure Sap Rogue Disc

Rogues get a disc Procure Sap that summons a potion called Mugger's Sap - this item goes in your potion belt, and once right-clicked on a humanoid, can pickpocket an item on a separate loot table. Recast on potion belt item is approximately 20 minutes.

ABTarType3=self cbt idle

C1=/if (!{FindItemCount[Mugger's Sap]}) /disc Procure Sap Rk. II
C2=/if (!{FindItemCount[Mugger's Sap]}==0) /delay 1s {Me.Casting.ID}
C3=/if (!{FindItemCount[Mugger's Sap]}==0) /delay 7s !{Me.Casting.ID}

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Nuking and Attack Examples

Wizard Script for Setting Nuke Order

Thanks to Bartab for this one. Bartab explains how this script works as follows:

Basically my wizard has 5 nukes, I want him to cast it in the following order : 1 3 1 3 2 ----> 1 3 1 3 2 ----> .....
*knowing that when I cast 1 or 3 I can have a song in my song window, in that case I want to cast 4.

  • I also want to cast 5 if I get a GoM.
  • And if I cast 4 or 5 I always want to cast 2 just after.

C1=/if (!{Defined[nextCast]}) /declare nextCast int outer 0;
C2=/if (!{Defined[CastOne]}) /declare CastOne int outer 0;
C3=/if (!{Defined[CastTwo]}) /declare CastTwo int outer 0;
C4=/if (!{Defined[CastThree]}) /declare CastThree int outer 0;
C5=/if (!{Defined[CastFour]}) /declare CastFour int outer 0;
C6=/multiline ; /varset ADTarCnt[1] 0 ; /varset ADTarCnt[2] 0 ; /varset ADTarCnt[3] 0 ; /varset ADTarCnt[4] 0 ; /varset ADTarCnt[5] 0
C7=/if ({nextCast}==0) /multiline ; /varset nextCast 1 ; /varcalc CastOne {CastOne}+1 ; /varset ADTarCnt[1] 1 ; /echo 1 ; /return
C8=/if ({nextCast}==1) /multiline ; /varset nextCast 3 ; /varcalc CastThree {CastThree}+1 ; /varset ADTarCnt[3] 1 ; /echo 3 ; /return
C9=/if ({nextCast}==3 && {CastOne}<=1) /multiline ; /varset nextCast 1 ; /varcalc CastOne {CastOne}+1 ; /varset ADTarCnt[1] 1 ; /echo 1 ; /return
C10=/if ({nextCast}==3 && {CastOne}>1) /multiline ; /varset nextCast 2 ; /varcalc CastTwo {CastTwo}+1 ; /varset ADTarCnt[2] 1 ; /echo 2 ; /return
C11=/if ({nextCast}==2 && {Me.Song[Flashblaze Singe].ID}) /multiline ; /varset nextCast 4 ; /varcalc CastFour {CastFour}+1 ; /varset ADTarCnt[4] 1 ; /echo 4 ; /return
C12=/if ({nextCast}==2) /multiline ; /varset nextCast 3 ; /varset CastOne 0 ; /varset CastTwo 0 ; /varset CastThree 0 ; /varset ADTarCnt[3] 1 ; /echo 3 ; /return
C13=/if ({nextCast}==4) /multiline ; /varset nextCast 2 ; /varset CastOne 0 ; /varset CastTwo 0 ; /varset CastThree 0 ; /varset CastFour 0 ; /varset ADTarCnt[2] 1 ; /echo 2 ; /return

An important addition to this script is to reset all of the variables after a mob dies (otherwise the ordering will get screwed up). This is best accomplished using the ACAfter setting in the INI:

ACAfter=/multiline ; /varset nextCast 0;/varset CastOne 0;/varset CastTwo 0;/varset CastThree 0;/varset CastFour 0

Note: Please see the Level 85 Wizard INI example found here to see the nukes that Bartab is referring to (this will provide a bit of context for his desired casting order).

Enchanter Script for Using Mana Reiterate

Thanks to Kzboray for posting his working script (with some help from Kroak :). Kzboray says that this script can also be used for any other Enchanter damage buff!:


C1=/if ({Me.Buff[Mana Reiterate Rk. II].ID} || {Me.PctMana}<30) /return
C2=/if (!{Me.Gem[Mana Reiterate Rk. II]}) /memorizeMana`` ``Reiterate`` ``Rk.`` ``II|gem7
C3=/if ({Me.Casting.ID}) /delay {Math.Calc[({Cast.Timing}/100)+1]}s {Cast.Ready}
C4=/if ({Cast.Ready} && !{Cast.Ready[Mana Reiterate Rk. II]} || {NetBots[WizName].Buff.Find[{Spell[Mana Reiterate Rk. II].ID}]}) /return
C5=/call Mq2CastMana`` ``Reiterate`` ``Rk.`` ``IIgem7 30s CastCheck -targetid|{Group.Member[{Group.Member[WizName]}].ID}

Simply change WizName (2 places in the C4 and C5 lines) to the name of the toon you want to be buffed and your done. Hope this helps someone else.

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Utility Scripts

Creating Campfires and Getting to Them

Thanks to Toomanynames for this gem :). The first script will set up the campsite fire for you and the second script will get you to the campsite (note that there are some class specific items in the second script \(bard\)).

C1=/varset Timer 120s
C2=/windowstate FellowshipWnd open
C3=/nomodkey /notify FellowshipWnd FP_Subwindows tabselect 2
C4=/delay 1s
C5=/nomodkey /notify FellowshipWnd FP_RefreshList leftmouseup
C6=/delay 2s
C7=/nomodkey /notify FellowshipWnd FP_CampsiteKitList listselect 1
C8=/delay 1s
C9=/nomodkey /notify FellowshipWnd FP_CampsiteKitList leftmouse 1
C10=/delay 1s
C11=/nomodkey /notify FellowshipWnd FP_CreateCampsite leftmouseup
C12=/delay 2s
C13=/windowstate FellowshipWnd close
C14=/if ({NearestSpawn[any radius 30 zradius 30 fsp].ID}) /multiline ; /bc Campsite looks good;/return
C15=/bc Not sure about the Campsite

C1=/if ({NearestSpawn[any radius 30 zradius 30 fsp].ID}) /multiline ; /bc Looks like I'm at the campsite;/return
C2=/if ({Select[{Me.Class},bard]}) /twist off
C3=/if ({Me.Sneaking} || {Me.Invis}) /attack
C4=/delay 10s !{Me.Casting.ID}
C5=/casting ''Fellowship Registration Insignia|item''
C6=/delay 5s {Me.Casting.ID}
C7=/delay 10s !{Me.Casting.ID}

Magician Pet Kits

Example 1 from Banderas

Before using this, you need to make room so make sure you have only 7 bags and one slot free. Make certain that you have the PetKit script entry before all other pet toy "buffs" in the AdvBuff section so that the bag goes to the free slot (then you can have frigid paradox stuff and others below the petkit entry).


C1=/if (!{Defined[PKPetName]}) /declare PKPetName string outer
C2=/if ({Target.ID}!={Me.Pet.ID} && {Spawn[{Target.ID}].Type.Equal[pet]}) /varset PKPetName {Target.CleanName}
C3=/if ({PKPetName.Length}<4 && {Me.Pet.ID}) /varset PKPetName {Me.Pet.CleanName}
C4=/if ({PKPetName.Length}<4) /return
C5=/varset Timer 10m
C6=/multiline ; /autoinventory;/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``petwepC7=/multiline ; /delay 5s;/autoinventory ```C8=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}``_```Summoned:`` ``Tonfa`` ``of`` ``the`` ``North`` ``Wind|Summoned:`` ``Blazing`` ``Brand```_ C9=/varset ABTarCnt[10] 0 `

  • Modify C8 to chose the wep you like for pet.
  • C9 will make the script stop redoing it again and again, so if your pet dies, simply re-start the macro or make a

hotkey to do only petkit ones as /varset ABTarCnt[10] 1

Example 2 from Lunason

Just for fun I did up a level 85 mage pet kit script. Works pretty well. I borrowed a lot of it and assembled it to my own liking. Only uses 1 inventory slot to do all of it's work and cleans up after itself.

Theoretically it should give a pet kit to any pet it has targeted. That's untested.

;need to check for empty inventory slot
;/if (!${InvSlot[22 - 29].Item.ID})
;this requires 4 events to be setup
;event names
; pet
; petweap
; petarmor
; petfocus
C1=/if (!{Defined[PKPetName]}) /declare PKPetName string outer
C2=/varset PKPetName null
;if we have a pet targeted we'll equip it
C3=/if ({Spawn[{Target.ID}].Type.Equal[pet]}) /varset PKPetName {Target.CleanName}
;if no pet targeted and we have a pet we'll equip it
C4=/if ({Me.Pet.ID} && {PKPetName.Equal[null]}) /varset PKPetName {Me.Pet.CleanName}
;if no pet targeted and no pet of our own make one
C5=/if (!{Me.Pet.ID}) /call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``pet
C6=/if (!{Me.Pet.ID}) /delay 3s
;if no pet defined yet set the var to the new pet
C7=/if ({PKPetName.Equal[null]} && {Me.Pet.ID}) /varset PKPetName {Me.Pet.CleanName}
;if still no pet let them know and exit
C8=/if ({PKPetName.Equal[null]}) /bc Unable to find a pet to equip
C9=/if ({PKPetName.Equal[null]}) /return
;check for an empty inventory slot
C10=/bc equipping {PKPetName}
C11=/if (!{Defined[EmptySlot]}) /declare EmptySlot string outer false
C12=/if (!${InvSlot[22].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C13=/if (!${InvSlot[23].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C14=/if (!${InvSlot[24].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C15=/if (!${InvSlot[25].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C16=/if (!${InvSlot[26].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C17=/if (!${InvSlot[27].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C18=/if (!${InvSlot[28].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C19=/if (!${InvSlot[29].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C20=/if (${EmptySlot.Equal[false]}) /echo no empty slots, sorry no pet kit right now.
C21=/if (${EmptySlot.Equal[false]}) /return 0
;Allow for more than 30 seconds by setting the timer to 10minutes
C22=/varset Timer 10m
;cast the pet armor
C23=/bc giving pet armor
C24=/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``petarmor
C25=/multiline ; /delay 1s;/autoinventory
C26=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}Prime`` ``Plate`` ``Helm|Prime`` ``Plate`` ``Breastplate|Prime`` ``Plate`` ``Bracers|Summoned:`` ``Prime`` ``Belt
C27=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}Prime`` ``Plate`` ``Vambraces|Prime`` ``Plate`` ``Gauntlets|Prime`` ``Plate`` ``Greaves|Prime`` ``Plate`` ``Boots
;delete the phanton sachel
C28=/nomodkey /itemnotify {FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} leftmouseup
C29=/delay 5
C30=/if ({Cursor.Name.Equal[Phantom Satchel]}) /destroy
;cast the pet weapons
C31=/echo giving pet weapons
C32=/multiline ; /autoinventory;/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``petwep
C33=/multiline ; /delay 1s;/autoinventory
C34=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}Summoned:`` ``Winterbane|Summoned:`` ``Winterbane
;delete the phanton sachel
C35=/nomodkey /itemnotify {FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} leftmouseup
C36=/delay 5
C37=/if ({Cursor.Name.Equal[Phantom Satchel]}) /destroy
C38=/echo destroyed phanton satchel
C39=/delay 1s
;cast pet focus items
C40=/bc giving pet focus items
C41=/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``petfocus
C42=/multiline ; /delay 1s;/autoinventory
C43=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}Zabella's`` ``Linked`` ``bracelet|Zabella's`` ``Jade`` ``Bracelet|Zabella's`` ``Ridged`` ``Earhoop|Zabella's`` ``Gold`` ``Ring
;delete the phanton sachel
C44=/nomodkey /itemnotify {FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} leftmouseup
C45=/delay 5
C46=/if ({Cursor.Name.Equal[Phantom Satchel]}) /destroy
;cast the muzzle
C47=/echo giving pet muzzle
C48=/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``muzzle
C49=/delay 1s
C50=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}Summoned:`` ``Muzzle`` ``of`` ``Mowcha
C51=/bc pet {PKPetname} ready for battle!

Example 3 from three-p-o

Update of Lunason's script to work with 10 inventory slots and level 86+ spells. This will summon the folded packs and unfold them for you prior to giving out the items.
Also, I can confirm that the theoretical part about it giving the petkit to any targeted pet does work.

; this requires 8 events to be setup with AETarType=self cbt idle
; event names - description
; pet
; petweap - this summons the folded pack - example spell Grant Frightforged Armaments
; weapbag - this unfolds the pack - example item Folded Pack of Frightforged Plate
; petarmor - this summons the folded pack - example spell Grant Frightforged Plate
; armorbag - this unfolds the pack - example item Folded Pack of Frightforged Armaments
; petfocus - this summons the folded pack - example spell Grant Nint's Heirlooms
; focusbag - this unfolds the pack - example item Folded Pack of Nint's Heirlooms
; visor
C1=/if (!{Defined[PKPetName]}) /declare PKPetName string outer
C2=/varset PKPetName null
; if we have a pet targeted we'll equip it
C3=/if ({Spawn[{Target.ID}].Type.Equal[pet]}) /varset PKPetName {Target.CleanName}
; if no pet targeted and we have a pet we'll equip it
C4=/if ({PKPetName.Equal[null]} && {Me.Pet.ID}) /varset PKPetName {Me.Pet.CleanName}
; if no pet targeted and no pet of our own make one
C5=/if (!{Me.Pet.ID}) /call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``pet
C6=/if (!{Me.Pet.ID}) /delay 3s
; if no pet defined yet set the var to the new pet
C7=/if ({PKPetName.Equal[null]} && {Me.Pet.ID}) /varset PKPetName {Me.Pet.CleanName}
; if still no pet let them know and exit
C8=/if ({PKPetName.Equal[null]}) /bc Unable to find a pet to equip
C9=/if ({PKPetName.Equal[null]}) /return
; check for an empty inventory slot
C10=/bc equipping {PKPetName}
; need to check for empty inventory slot
; /if (!${InvSlot[23 - 32].Item.ID}) - updated to check 10 slots
C11=/if (!{Defined[EmptySlot]}) /declare EmptySlot string outer false
C12=/if (!{InvSlot[23].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C13=/if (!{InvSlot[24].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C14=/if (!{InvSlot[25].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C15=/if (!{InvSlot[26].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C16=/if (!{InvSlot[27].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C17=/if (!{InvSlot[28].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C18=/if (!{InvSlot[29].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C19=/if (!{InvSlot[30].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C20=/if (!{InvSlot[31].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C21=/if (!{InvSlot[32].Item.ID}) /varset EmptySlot true
C22=/if (${EmptySlot.Equal[false]}) /bc no empty slots, sorry no pet kit right now.
C23=/if (${EmptySlot.Equal[false]}) /return 0
; Allow for more than 30 seconds by setting the timer to 10 minutes
C24=/varset Timer 10m
; summon the pet armor
C25=/bc giving pet armor
C26=/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``petarmor
C27=/multiline ; /delay 1s ; /autoinventory ; /delay 1s
; unfold the armorbag
C28=/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``armorbag
C29=/multiline ; /delay 1s ; /autoinventory ; /delay 1s
; hand armor to pet
; adjust the armor below to match those summoned in the bag
C30=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}Frightforged`` ``Plate`` ``Helm|Frightforged`` ``Plate`` ``Breastplate|Frightforged`` ``Plate`` ``Bracers|Summoned:`` ``Frightforged`` ``Belt
C31=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}Frightforged`` ``Plate`` ``Vambraces|Frightforged`` ``Plate`` ``Gauntlets|Frightforged`` ``Plate`` ``Greaves|Frightforged`` ``Plate`` ``Boots
; delete the Phantom Satchel
; **DANGER** if you are using any Phantom Satchels to store items this could be disastrous
C32=/nomodkey /itemnotify {FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} leftmouseup
C33=/delay 5
C34=/if ({Cursor.Name.Equal[Phantom Satchel]}) /destroy
C35=/echo destroyed Phantom Satchel
C36=/delay 1s
;summon the pet weapons
C37=/echo giving pet weapons
C38=/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``petweap
C39=/multiline ; /delay 1s ; /autoinventory ; /delay 1s
; unfold the weapbag
C40=/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``weapbag
C41=/multiline ; /delay 1s ; /autoinventory ; /delay 1s
; hand weapon to pet
; adjust the weapons below to match those summoned in the bag
C42=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}Summoned:`` ``Frightforged`` ``Iceblade|Summoned:`` ``Frightforged`` ``Iceblade
; delete the Pouch of Quellious
; **DANGER** if you are using any Pouch of Quellious' to store items this could be disastrous
C43=/nomodkey /itemnotify {FindItem[Pouch of Quellious].InvSlot} leftmouseup
C44=/delay 5
C45=/if ({Cursor.Name.Equal[Pouch of Quellious]}) /destroy
C46=/echo destroyed Pouch of Quellious
C47=/delay 1s
; summon pet focus items
C48=/bc giving pet focus items
C49=/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``petfocus
C50=/multiline ; /delay 1s ; /autoinventory ; /delay 1s
; unfold the focusbag
C51=/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``focusbag
C52=/multiline ; /delay 1s ; /autoinventory ; /delay 1s
; hand focus items to pet
; adjust the focus items below to match those summoned in the bag
C53=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}Nint's`` ``Linked`` ``Bracelet|Nint's`` ``Jade`` ``Bracelet|Nint's`` ``Ridged`` ``Earhoop|Nint's`` ``Gold`` ``Ring
C54=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}Nint's`` ``Woven`` ``Shawl|Nint's`` ``Satin`` ``Choker
; delete the Phantom Satchel
; **DANGER** if you are using any Phantom Satchels to store items this could be disastrous
C55=/nomodkey /itemnotify {FindItem[Phantom Satchel].InvSlot} leftmouseup
C56=/delay 5
C57=/if ({Cursor.Name.Equal[Phantom Satchel]}) /destroy
C58=/echo destroyed Phantom Satchel
C59=/delay 1s
; summon the visor
C60=/echo giving pet visor
C61=/call CastCall {Me.CleanName}cast`` ``visor
C62=/multiline ; /delay 1s ; /autoinventory ; /delay 1s
; hand the visor to pet
; adjust the below to match summoned visor
C63=/call GiveCheck {PKPetName}Summoned:`` ``Visor`` ``of`` ``Gobeker
C64=/bc pet {PKPetName} ready for battle!

Buying Items

A "buy" procedure was recently added to The syntax is: Buy

C1=/call Buy ''water flask'' 75 yenny

Dropping group out of task

C1=/if (!{Defined[k]}) /declare k int local 1
C2=/if (!{Group.Member[{k}].CleanName.Equal[{Me.CleanName}]}) /multiline ; /taskremove {Group.Member[{k}]};/delay 1s
C3=/varset k {Math.Calc[{k}+1]}
C4=/if ({k}<={Group.Members}) /varset a 1
C5=/delay 6

Clearing your Bot's Target

Sometimes your bots remain fixated on a target (e.g. after you switch targets, kill a mob and decide to mez/blur the rest \(think Old Man McKenzie instances\)). Here is a line that you can toss on a hot key that will clear the target from all of your ModBot bots:

/bcaa //multiline ; /varset ACMATarget 0;/target clear